my beloved NEO
the day it rained forever.
I had no idea, just then,
but it was our last day together.
I had felt your need to leave,
so many days before;
although I had to grieve,
I wished you to suffer no more.
I had long fought for you,
and you, always, for me;
this time there was nothing to do,
It was simply meant to be.
I felt the raindrops that day,
as they fell hard on my skin;
we'd seen our last chance to play,
to live in happiness, as we'd been.
It was a day of deepest pain,
but also a day of mercy;
I knew you couldn't remain,
suffering, and so very sickly.
I wanted to keep you with me,
to wrap you up in my arms,
I wanted you to be healthy,
I wanted to keep you from harm.
But the hardest part of love
is having to say goodbye.
I told you to enjoy life above,
and tried to hold back when I cried.
I thanked you for your presence,
for the way you brightened each day
from a boring existence,
to a chance to laugh and play.
Those words were the hardest to speak,
to say it was okay to go,
but I could see that your body weak,
it was important to let you know:
you didn't need to hold on for me,
you could allow yourself to find peace.
The time you'd spent making me happy,
would comfort me in my grief.
I held you in my arms that night,
as the hours each passed by,
You were there, still in my sight,
but I knew you'd long said goodbye.
I felt your warm bunny-fur
until all trace of warmth faded;
I never thought that day would occur,
my feelings were complicated.
Despite the torment I felt
you looked so peaceful and serene,
though I hated what I had been dealt,
there was no pain to be seen.
I asked Jesus to take you asleep,
to find gently his loving embrace;
I knew He would always keep
you warm, and happy, and safe.
It was time to let you go;
I didn't think I could be tough,
I loved you so deeply, and so,
I knew life without you would be rough.
I couldn't quite see it then,
through my tears and the endless rain,
but we'll be together again,
and your joy you far outweighs the pain.
From day one you inspired me,
and still to this instant in time,
to always strive to be happy,
to not forget the love that is mine.
I did not simply lose a pet,
I lost a big part of me,
the very best part yet,
the part that had set me free.
I know that you see me still,
that you share your bunny kisses;
though I feel your presence, and will,
your warmth my heart still misses.
© Shenita Etwaroo
My Mother’s Arms
In Loving Memory Of My Beloved Mommy
November 12th, 1954- February 6th, 2018
I LOVE YOU, MA, forever,for all eternity
My mother’s arms were always open,
comforting and strong.
There for when I needed her,
no matter for how long.
She suffered too, I know,
with heavy burdens to bear,
but she never gave up on kindness,
on God, Jesus Christ, or on prayer.
If you knew my mother,
you know how much she gave,
how much she cared for others,
how she was always so brave.
She was brave at the very end too,
as she reached her final days.
I held her in my arms then
and knew she couldn’t stay.
Now that my mother has passed on,
I miss her every day,
but her memory gives me strength,
more than I can say.
Her example of kindness
and of generosity
will never be forgotten,
I will carry it with me.
My mother taught me always,
through what she did herself,
that giving help to others
shows the strength in yourself.
Although I cry that she is gone,
I am happy that I know
that in Heaven she’s found the true happiness
she seldom found below.
While she was on earth,
my mother’s arms were my safe place.
Now I know she’s taken care of
In God, Jesus Christ's embrace.
© Shenita Etwaroo
November 12th, 1954- February 6th, 2018
I LOVE YOU, MA, forever,for all eternity
My mother’s arms were always open,
comforting and strong.
There for when I needed her,
no matter for how long.
She suffered too, I know,
with heavy burdens to bear,
but she never gave up on kindness,
on God, Jesus Christ, or on prayer.
If you knew my mother,
you know how much she gave,
how much she cared for others,
how she was always so brave.
She was brave at the very end too,
as she reached her final days.
I held her in my arms then
and knew she couldn’t stay.
Now that my mother has passed on,
I miss her every day,
but her memory gives me strength,
more than I can say.
Her example of kindness
and of generosity
will never be forgotten,
I will carry it with me.
My mother taught me always,
through what she did herself,
that giving help to others
shows the strength in yourself.
Although I cry that she is gone,
I am happy that I know
that in Heaven she’s found the true happiness
she seldom found below.
While she was on earth,
my mother’s arms were my safe place.
Now I know she’s taken care of
In God, Jesus Christ's embrace.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Silence the Abused and Cover Up the Crime
This is what we learn:
Be meek, be kind, be silent.
Accept abuse.
Accept pain.
Stay silent.
But silence,
cannot always save us
When silence covers up abuse,
forgiveness prolongs pain,
and grace enables an abuser,
we must change what we have learned.
No more silence.
No more
tolerating abuse
for empty values.
No more silence.
© Shenita Etwaroo
This is what we learn:
Be meek, be kind, be silent.
Accept abuse.
Accept pain.
Stay silent.
But silence,
cannot always save us
When silence covers up abuse,
forgiveness prolongs pain,
and grace enables an abuser,
we must change what we have learned.
No more silence.
No more
tolerating abuse
for empty values.
No more silence.
Can you hear them?
They’re calling out to you.
A trillion voices, all lifted up,
Their song in discord,
A melancholy plea.
Does the call for Justice reach your ears
When you look down at your breakfast plate?
A meal of anguish rests between your fork and knife.
© Shenita Etwaroo
She huddles against the grit of a brick wall,
In the grime of the alleyway,
Unable to keep warm,
The knife of hunger in her belly,
Too tired to look for food.
A stranger walks by, frowns at her,
His lip curled,
And her instinct is to run
Before she is struck again,
Simply for living on the streets.
Every now and then, someone kind
Will give her a scrap of food,
Even say something in a warm tone
That makes her feel less like
Garbage scattered across the alley
That she calls home.
She often wonders if her situation
Would be considered any more tragic
If she were a human being starving in the cold.
© Shenita Etwaroo
'I Saw—'
I saw a dog one day, as I walked down the block, taking my exercise for the day.
I saw a dog one day, chained in my neighbor’s yard.
I jogged past a dog one day, hearing his bonds clink as he trotted
To the edge of his confinement to sniff curiously my way.
I saw the dog again and again, my breaths quick and shallow,
Barely registering his dark brown fur,
The pink tongue that hung gracelessly from his mouth
As he panted in the heat.
I try not to look at the dog as I jog by,
I try not to notice the hissing grass and harsh sun
He is not sheltered from.
I try not to notice the mats in his fur
Or the shiny reflectiveness of empty metal bowls
Meant to feed and refresh him.
I look for the dog as I jog past his owner’s house,
Noticing at once his absence
When he was no longer there to try
So painstakingly to ignore.
I slow down by his house every day,
Eyes scanning the yard,
But even the chain is gone,
The soil disrupted from where the stake was
Wrenched from the Earth.
I try not to notice the dog-sized mound
In the side of my neighbor’s yard.
I jog faster and faster past their home every day.
I try not to think of how long the dog has been gone.
I try not to think of what I could have done,
Try not to think of the water bottle in my hand,
The one I always carry,
And how easy it would have been
To give the poor creature a drink
In the exhaustive heat
That surely created the dog-sized mound
In the side yard of my neighbor’s home.
© Shenita Etwaroo
We say
“Take a walk in my shoes”
and see my world,
hear my thoughts,
feel what I feel.
But what if I don’t have shoes?
What if I have hooves
or claws
or paws
or fins?
Will you still walk in them?
Feel the ground the way I feel it
smell the air as I smell it
sense the breeze as I sense it?
Will you imagine
a life that is different from your own
but still life?
Or will you shy away
from empathy and love?
Shy away
from the pain of a cage
or a slaughterhouse?
Take a walk in my shoes
and you’ll feel a life
that deserves to be lived.
© Shenita Etwaroo
A Light Burns
A light burns in me
sometimes bright and strong,
sometimes quiet and soft,
but always it burns.
I see a light burning in you,
I see a light burning in us all.
Each of us has a wick
and fuel to burn,
a light to guide us
and to keep us warm.
Why douse others’ flames?
With cold water
and hate?
Why bring others down?
and dim their beautiful lights?
I will fuel the lights
of everyone around me
And watch their flames grow
tall and proud.
I will bask in the warmth
of my friends’ lights,
Smile at the flickering lights
of flames across the globe.
I will fuel the light in everyone
because I know
the world is brighter
when we light it up together.
A Right to be Loved
Right to free speech
Right to bear arms
Right to vote
What about the right to be loved?
The right to feel love
and compassion and respect,
a connection to another human.
Isn't this the most basic human right of all?
You are worthy of love.
You deserve love.
As you give love, you should receive it.
All of us have a right to be loved.
Do not submit to those
who demand your love
but deny your love in return.
You have a right to love,
a right to respect
a right to feel human and beautiful and full.
Demand your rights.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Step into the Light
Step into the light
Let go of your shroud of clouds
Your shade and your shadows.
Turn your face up
to the warmth of the sun
and the bright stars.
Light can be scary
It reveals
cracks, scars, bruises, tears.
In the light
others see you,
and you must see yourself.
But be brave
be bold.
Light will show you the world around.
Light will lift you up,
energize you,
help you grow.
Like sunshine
fueling a flower,
light will lift you up towards the sky
So step into the light
and find a world
that’s new and bright.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Turning Pain to Gain
All things designed with one purpose:
to block pain.
Dim pain,
shut it out,
make it better.
What if pain
has something to teach us?
What if pain
is a sign?
What if pain
is something we can gain from?
Pain is hard,
but pain shows us
where our problems are.
Pain hurts,
but pain tells us
we can be stronger.
Pain is rough,
it chafes,
breaking us down
and eating away at us.
But sometimes,
out of pain,
a new
and stronger
and healthier
person emerges.
© Shenita Etwaroo
A Gift
I found you
under a tree
so small I almost didn’t see you,
leg bent
tiny wings outspread.
I took you in and thought
“I’m giving you a gift,”
a second chance at life.
I gave you shelter,
a soft space,
food from an eye dropper,
all gifts
meant to sustain your life.
When you moved,
you fluttered,
as if every step was electric.
Your quiet peeps
and downy feathers
embodied a lively
and gentle soul.
Your body,
so small
and delicate
seemed to be life itself.
When your life flew away,
I knew you had lived a life
short but pure.
I realized
that despite what I had given you
you had given me the true gift.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Speaking Out
I see pain in this world
and I speak out against it.
I see crime hidden around me
and I speak out to show it.
If not me, who?
But if I speak out,
maybe you will too.
I do not pass a starving child
or an injured animal.
I do not ignore,
I see
I speak
I change.
With my voice and my words
I fight for the world.
I fight for you.
And I hope that you will too.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Silence: Evil’s Accomplice
I was silent
because I believed it was right
believed it made me righteous
and showed that I was good.
I was silent
because silence ignored my problems
passed over abuse
and ignored sin.
I was silent
because I was afraid
because speaking up was hard
and could only create conflict.
I was silent
and I allowed evil to continue,
allowed sin to grow
without complaint or comment.
I was silent
and my silence kept me down,
trapped me with the sin
I was afraid to speak against.
I was silent
and my silence did not make me strong
or good
or righteous.
I was silent.
I am silent no more.
Let’s stick together
Let’s define who we are,
Let’s affirm how much better we are,
how much more civilized,
how much smarter,
how much happier.
Let’s stick together.
Don’t associate with anyone who’s not
Let’s slowly build walls,
keep Them out,
keep Us safe.
Let’s forget
that we’re trapping ourselves in
that we’re closing ourselves off
that we’re losing out, that Them was just an idea in the first place.
© Shenita Etwaroo
My heart is a mountain,
Tall and mighty, unconquerable;
In my canyons and slopes, I
Sing my stanzas, praises
For He who has raised m
From rubble, from a pebble
And made me immovable
In His Glory.
© Shenita Etwaroo
I hold your hand and it no longer holds back;
No longer do your fingers squeeze around mine
And whisper, “It will be all right, my dear child.”
I say goodbye, murmur it, and go home to grieve.
I make your funeral plans.
I ask our Heavenly Father why we are now parted.
I think of your last moments.
I feed your cat.
I see more of your face in the mirror when I look at my own, now.
I lie in bed and imagine you taking the hand
Of your King, and wonder if He said to you,
“It will all be all right, my dear child.”
The book of Isaiah, chapter six, verse eight reads:
‘Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then I said, Here am I; send me!”
And so I go.
The tears of injustice, wept by the children and animals, stain the streets
And so I go.
I go as the Lord wills me
Against defiant winds
Through roads of broken glass
Through my coat may be thin,
And my shoes worn through
This journey is one that I contend
For, through the Lord, I am saved, I am sent.
© Shenita Etwaroo
A message board, online—
Dogs, cats—
Small breeds: hip dysplasia
Large breeds: (had to take Thor to the shelter, no good for apartment living. . .)
Our best friends, or our latest accessory?
Animals bred with traits to match our
Aesthetic, abandoned when they don’t fit into our narrow boxes.
When the diseases and disabilities we modified
Into their genes gives lives of pain,
Who, again, are the animal lovers?
© Shenita Etwaroo
There was a game we played as children:
“Which animal are you?”
One girl opened her arms wide and glided,
As though she were an eagle.
A boy in my class growled and snarled,
A lion, he said.
Another girl galloped freely, like a horse.
I chose a cow.
I laid out in the bright sunlight,
Feeling quite clever with myself—
Until All my friends pointed out, “People will eat you.”
© Shenita Etwaroo
Look into My Eyes
Look into my eyes
and you’ll see me looking back,
a being full of feelings,
and of thoughts.
Show me love and care,
and you’ll see me looking back,
happy and very grateful,
with love
reflecting back.
Show me hurt and hate,
and you’ll see me looking back,
injured and disheartened
from the pain of your attack
Look into my eyes,
and you’ll see my soul beneath,
so much more than fur and flesh,
paws, and teeth.
Before you think to harm me,
take a look into my eyes.
How can you hurt a being
who can love
and who can cry?
Look into my eyes
and you’ll see me looking back.
© Shenita Etwaroo
No Gears
There are no gears beneath my fur,
no wires
no batteries
no computer chips.
Underneath, I am made
of muscles
the very same parts
that you are made of.
I am not a machine
but a living being
with all the senses
and feelings
that life has given me
My muscles can ache
my heart feel love
my brain think
my blood flow
If you touch me,
I feel it.
If you scold me,
I hear it.
If you love me,
I know it.
Before you abuse me,
run experiments,
or use me as food,
please remember
that I can feel too.
© Shenita Etwaroo
The Purest Love
I wake up bright and early
to greet my dad.
I wag my tail and lick his hand
to show him he is loved.
While he eats breakfast
I sit on the floor
smiling at him
from beside his feet.
He pats me on the head,
and I wag my tail faster
reverberating with love
for my dad.
When he leaves for work,
I watch out the window,
watching for his car,
waiting for his return.
When he comes home
I overflow with joy
I am so excited
to spend time with my dad.
I run to the door,
tail wagging.
As he enters I jump up
excited to show him I love him.
He took me outside to play,
a guy shouted at me.
Then suddenly I feel the pain
as I fall down to the ground.
I do not understand this pain
or what I have done wrong.
I do not know why
my love has earned me pain.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Perfection in the Imperfect
Have you ever looked at the patterns on the back of a turtle shell?
How about our skin cells under a high powered microscope?
Imperfect pieces with a very perfect purpose.
This can give us hope.
Have you ever felt like you were useless?
Beaten down, exhausted, or abused?
Perhaps your life has been thrown upside down,
You’ve made mistakes that just cannot be excused.
Your heart is weary and your eyes are teary.
Your soul has reached rock bottom.
But remember the fact there is now solid ground beneath your feet.
It’s only up from here. It’s your turn to blossom.
Although life can certainly throw us curve balls
And place unwanted obstacles in our path.
We are bigger than the sum of our problems.
No doubt, God will overcome Satan’s wrath.
We must choose to face the day with a smile
Persistence and optimism are a must.
We should hold tight to the ones that support us
And in God almighty, we must place all of our trust.
Although He won’t take our problems away
He will hold our hand and see us through.
For it is by His grace and unending love that
Our sins are washed clean and we’re born anew.
Let your story be an inspiration to others.
Encouragement to those in similar situations.
For we have the tools to overcome any challenge.
Let your own accounts stand as an affirmation.
Together we can form a community,
One that spreads love, hope, and support.
A group of people, whose voices unite,
Who won’t allow you to sell yourself short.
Each of us is imperfect.
Full of scars, blemishes, and flaws.
But together we can create a perfect group
That unites to bring light to a critical cause.
© Shenita Etwaroo
The Sand Life
Life is like a grain of sand.
A grain of sand lies at the bottom of the sea.Just off the shore.
Only feet from the place where the waves kiss the beach ever so softly.
This tiny piece of sand is just one of millions
That collectively form the floor of the ocean.
Oh the life of this grain. This tiny fleck of sand and all that it does see.
It sits idly as the tides roll in and out overhead.
But, it is violently uprooted by the sudden force of a stormy surge.
It floats along to the rhythm of the powerful waves.
And slowly drifts away from the coastline.
It falls into the deepest waters and wanders through leagues of darkness.
But, eventually, the grain is swept to the surface.
Where the sunshine warms the grain of sand and reminds it of the sky’s beauty.
It swims past some of the most stunning sea creatures and colorful coral formations.
It brushes against graceful ocean beings as they elegantly glide through clear waters.
It encounters ominous predators, deep caverns, and dark holes.
And just when it gets to used to the glowing daylight,
Dusk slips into night.
Some grains travel around the world, while other grains stay on the same beach.
Some flecks sift through the innocent hands of a curious child
While others are stuck to the bottom of feet and carried away from sandy shores.
Some grains are collected and stored in a jar.
And others blow away with the wind.
Some grains have a marvelous story to tell,
Of all the places they've been and the things that they've seen.
Some grains may not have much of an exciting past.
And others never leave the dark.
But each grain of sand is a vital part of the whole.
A component of the shore that completes the beach
That creates a surface for the crashing waves and the floor of a magnificent sea.
The sand wouldn’t feel the same beneath our feet without each grain.
© Shenita Etwaroo
The Story of a Girl...
There once was a girl who had it all figured out.
Her life was perfectly planned.
She had an abundance of knowledge and confidence.
All the tools she’d need to meet any demand.
She was aware of her strengths and didn't dwell on her weakness,
Alone she could conquer the world.
But soon her assurance was sent for a spin.
Life’s plans were different - her strategy came unfurled.
Her mind was set on a narrow tunnel.
She failed to keep her options adaptive.
She was stubborn. Unwilling to bend.
Fear was holding her captive.
What she failed to understand
In spite of the present obstruction,
Was the fact that this curve-ball
Was all part of a greater production.
It wasn't what she wanted,
It didn't fit into her arrangement.
Life had completely changed directions
Without asking questions or consent.
But slowly she realized
As one door was abruptly closed,
Many more opportunities were presented.
A new life plan became exposed.
This new path wasn't what she originally intended.
It gave a journey she’d never expect.
But as she overcame the unexpected challenges,
She felt a new level of success she could never object.
For God had opened her eyes to His plan instead
And taught her she couldn't do it alone.
His plans for her were far more amazing than hers.
This hurdle was merely a stepping stone.
With a leap and a hop and jump over the raging waters,
These stepping stones led her to an open field
That was full of miraculous opportunity
And freedom as her selfishness had been healed.
She realized this obstacle was a piece of her whole,
A dilemma that would help her to grow.
It opened her eyes to a loving God,
Who she would yearn to trust, love, and know.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Millions of Voices
There are millions of voices that are silenced
From trafficking, slavery, and exploitation.
Not just overseas, in third world countries,
But right here in our very own nation.
There are millions of tears that spill to the earth
Of those forced to perform against their will.
Sexually misused, abused, and degraded.
Broken, defeated, and left mentally ill.
There are millions of smiles that will never be seen
Dreams crushed right from the start.
Cries that are muffled behind closed doors.
As families are brutally torn apart.
There are millions of children whose childhoods have been ruined.
They’ll never know the unbridled joy of peace.
They’ll only know agony and suffering
Constantly praying for their pain to cease.
Together our voices can make a difference
It takes just one spark to start a fire.
To shed light on the horrendous truths
One story is enough to inspire.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Your Knife Cuts Deeper
As you barbarically rip the skin from my back
No thought given to my pain
I cringe and howl in absolute agony,
As your treatment is anything but humane.
My coat was intended to keep me warm and dry
Yet it’s stolen for your selfish appearance.
Cut and pieced into clothing and accessories
Stamped with a price tag, eventually thrown into clearance.
How would your feel if your own human skin
Was violently torn from your frame?
Squandered for profits, looks, and prestige.
Who cares? You’re one and the same.
That knife cuts much deeper
Than my external flesh, fur, and skin.
The lack of compassion or thought
Cuts to the core, where my soul begins.
Although the physical pain is unbearable
It is minimal, you see
Compared to the torture, the heartache and anguish
Of a life lacking purpose and quality.
© Shenita Etwaroo
X-Ray Machine
I have a special affinity for the x-ray machine,
Faultlessly highlighting my bones, heart, and spleen.
It penetrates deeper than my skin and hair.
It reads me thorough, exact, and fair.
It looks past my appearance, my clothing, my occupation
Doesn’t consider my income, race, or political affiliation.
It states the facts, pretty plain and simple
Doesn't care if I worship in a church or a temple.
It doesn't limit my abilities based on my gender
Doesn't care if I’m tall or short, round or slender.
It doesn't bully me because I am different or strange
It doesn't coerce or pressure me to make a change.
The x-ray machine makes a profound proclamation
That not much differs from our initial creation.
Our bodies are created, essentially the same
The organs, the blood, the skin and the frame.
My purpose is not determined by outward characteristics
My ability’s not governed by culture or linguistics.
The x-ray machine shows us that we're ultimately equivalent
Isn't flaky, unreliable, hypocritical or ambivalent
© Shenita Etwaroo
The Light Shines Brightest In the Dark
I know the tear soaked pillow all too well.
My heart hurts for your despair.
I've worn shoes much like yours before.
It hasn't been that long since I've been there.
The feelings of helplessness, suffering and sorrow
Do nothing but drag you down.
But I’m here to tell you from experience
You can (and will) turn your life around.
Because without pain, there would be no healing.
Without darkness, we wouldn't know the light.
Without the endless challenges and setbacks
We would never learn how to put up a fight.
Despite a road full of blocks and bumps
Our obstacles help us to grow.
It’s easy to get hung up on the ‘why me’s?’
But those answers, we'll probably never know.
You are strong and capable.
Your spirit unbreakable and irreplaceable.
Although your past is not erasable,
May your future be optimistically faceable.
© Shenita Etwaroo
The Pincushion
For decades you've used our bodies as your pincushion
Poking, prodding, cutting, and killing.
Forcing us to be your experimental subjects
Scraping, shocking, drugging, and drilling.
Locking us up in meager dwellings
Filthy, restrictive, desolate, and cramped.
Filling me with toxins, chemicals, and poisons
Upon my skin a brand is painfully stamped.
My skin burns as you cover me with makeup and creams.
My muscles ache with each electrical shock.
My brain no longer functions as it should
You've carelessly destroyed my biological clock.
You alter the very DNA that nature gave me
I was not created for misery and imminent death.
Are the answers to your scientific questions
Really worth taking my very last breath?
Stop using me as your puppet, pincushion, and servant
Treat me with kindness, compassion, and respect
With all the advances to technology these days
Surely you could find an alternative subject.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Cries Behind the Walls
We grow up loving every creature paws, in awe at every feature,we learn to love, as we’re loved back,a quality no person lacks.
But somehow through the time we find,not everyone’s hearts intertwine.Some evil dwells among our earth,So unaware of a true worth.
Many may find it rather fine,to consume animals like swine,but how they're treated is a sign,that many people cross the line.
We don’t see first hand what’s at stake,when all we have to do is bake.Our plates don't seem to tell it all,all of the cries behind the walls.
From slaughterhouses nationwide,to right at home, there is no pride,abusing helpless animals,adds fire to the mildest lull.
Luckily some have taken stand,regardless of the high demand,standing up proud against abuse,distributors have been cut loose.
If everyone is more aware,perhaps we can spread out more care,and break the crash off every wave,more animals can still be saved.
© Shenita Etwaroo
When will we stop and Understand
Will we stop and understand?
Will we ever take a stand?
If it has four legs or just two,
Every animal is an individual too!
We all fight for respect, well-being and freedom
So we could finally reach that beautiful Eden
Where the Creator co-exists
And where equality persists
Angel, animal … or human,
We all deserve some peace regardless!
© Shenita Etwaroo
Somebody Loves Me
Betrayed and shunned by the world that I loved,In fear, I waited for signs from above;Signs that though I had been prey to abuse,A purpose remained—I had freedom to choose.
Abandoned and broken and torn though I was,I held on through suffering without a cause.But through all my misery, and all my tears,God showed me a love I had not seen in years.
He did it in a quaint and remarkable way;Through my rabbit, He said all He needed to say;That through good and bad someone would always be there,That when I’m rejected, there is someone who cares.
He showed me that life on Earth’s not where it ends,Through the help of my lop-eared, fur-covered friend.I may not have known it at that exact time,But now I see how everything falls in line.
© Shenita Etwaroo
The Cross Before The Crown
Take up your cross, so Jesus said,
And follow the one true Christ.
He did not say to take your crown,
For first there is a price.
We cannot reap where we've not sown,
For there’s work to be done;
We are called to do God’s will,
To let his kingdom come.
We can’t demand reward from God,
For he already gave,
A priceless gift of salvation
Through the one who came to save.
And if we live just for the crown,
And not for love of God,
Does that not make us selfish?
Does that not deem us a fraud?
So stay headstrong and carry on,
Through the trials of life;
For Jesus bore the weight of sins,
And through him we bear strife.
The sufferings of this world are great,
But you are not alone.
Take up your cross, don’t be afraid;
For this is not your home.
One day you will earn your crown,
So keep that day in sight.
But first have faith in the old rugged cross,
Lest you lose that right.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Good vs. Evil
In this life there is a war,
But it’s not in flesh we fight;
A battle rages deep within
Between the dark and light.
Evil lies within our world,
Tearing it apart,
Driving a wedge between the soul of man
And God’s own heart.
Yet grace and goodness can be seen
In all that God has done;
A love stronger than bitter hate,
Sent down as God’s own son.
Evil is a sleeping cancer,
Deadly yet concealed;
So ruthless and so lethal,
That so few can be healed.
But goodness is a warming touch,
Soothing to the soul.
For all who will accept it
Will surely be made whole.
Both sides are deep in battle,
And our souls are the prize;
Yet one fights for purity
And the other wills demise.
So where are we in this battle?
Are we among the true?Are we the righteous,
God’s dear sheep,
Or slaves to Satan’s ruse?
The Light will always overcome,
Even in the darkest place;
And if we only choose the Light,
We’ll see Jesus face to face.
The eternal victor’s obvious,
And the ending is so clear;
But we must fight against all evil,
For perfect love drives out fear.
Good and evil, both in pursuit
For our eternal souls;We’re born with a choice-
To live or die, to fight for love or hate.
Evil’s time is running out,
For Satan’s end is near;
And all the horrors he has caused
Will surely disappear.
And the good will yet prevail,
Standing ever still;And if we only choose it now,
One day we also will.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Heart of Fur
My heart is very strange altogether:
At times it’s covered in fur all around,
Or wool, skin or even feathers,
Depending on what animal I've found!
For no human love is more pure or true
Than a beloved pet, a love so strong,
And full of simple beauty, through and through,
A love which remains as a life is long.
A human, with a flawed human heart, may
Love on his own terms; but a pet I know
Who snuggles close on a wintery day
Loves no matter which way the wind doth blow.
And so I resign my heart and my mind
To the great love of rabbits, cats, dogs, and their kind.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Cry of the Innocent
On blankets of snow
Carcasses of my siblings lay.
I watch you now
Walk away.
Moments ago,
Your greedy eyes, knives,
Merciless shadow
Had snatched their lives.
As you merry about
The cozy fur and trophy heads
I prepare to ready the shroud
Tears piling around in hundreds.
Justice waits for you…
Justice of nature…
A world dry of animals, foliage, and hue-
Nature’s punishment for our blunder.
© Shenita Etwaroo
I am more.
I am more than a genetically modified organism
That was constructed for scientific research.
I am more than just pretty colors and silly talking tricks
Caged upon this perch.
My body was created for a purpose
Other than your dinner plate.
Why must you kick and hit, scream and scold
Then lock me for hours in this lonely crate?
My soul cries out as I am forced to work
Beyond my strength and will.
Although I push with all my might,
You are only standing still.
I am more than just a breeding factory
Giving birth to endless brood.
Only for my children to be torn from me
And sold away as food.
How would you feel if someone cut away your hair
And turned it into a coat?
Only for a thoughtless soul
To parade around and gloat.
That overpriced purse you clutch
Was constructed from my skin.
For years I’ve been living in restrictive pain.
I’m starting to wear thin.
I’m more than your convenience
Your entertainment or nutrition.
I have feelings. I have desires.
I even have ambition.
© Shenita Etwaroo
They’re calling out to you.
A trillion voices, all lifted up,
Their song in discord,
A melancholy plea.
Does the call for Justice reach your ears
When you look down at your breakfast plate?
A meal of anguish rests between your fork and knife.
© Shenita Etwaroo
In the grime of the alleyway,
Unable to keep warm,
The knife of hunger in her belly,
Too tired to look for food.
A stranger walks by, frowns at her,
His lip curled,
And her instinct is to run
Before she is struck again,
Simply for living on the streets.
Every now and then, someone kind
Will give her a scrap of food,
Even say something in a warm tone
That makes her feel less like
Garbage scattered across the alley
That she calls home.
She often wonders if her situation
Would be considered any more tragic
If she were a human being starving in the cold.
© Shenita Etwaroo
I saw a dog one day, chained in my neighbor’s yard.
I jogged past a dog one day, hearing his bonds clink as he trotted
To the edge of his confinement to sniff curiously my way.
I saw the dog again and again, my breaths quick and shallow,
Barely registering his dark brown fur,
The pink tongue that hung gracelessly from his mouth
As he panted in the heat.
I try not to look at the dog as I jog by,
I try not to notice the hissing grass and harsh sun
He is not sheltered from.
I try not to notice the mats in his fur
Or the shiny reflectiveness of empty metal bowls
Meant to feed and refresh him.
I look for the dog as I jog past his owner’s house,
Noticing at once his absence
When he was no longer there to try
So painstakingly to ignore.
I slow down by his house every day,
Eyes scanning the yard,
But even the chain is gone,
The soil disrupted from where the stake was
Wrenched from the Earth.
I try not to notice the dog-sized mound
In the side of my neighbor’s yard.
I jog faster and faster past their home every day.
I try not to think of how long the dog has been gone.
I try not to think of what I could have done,
Try not to think of the water bottle in my hand,
The one I always carry,
And how easy it would have been
To give the poor creature a drink
In the exhaustive heat
That surely created the dog-sized mound
In the side yard of my neighbor’s home.
© Shenita Etwaroo
“Take a walk in my shoes”
and see my world,
hear my thoughts,
feel what I feel.
But what if I don’t have shoes?
What if I have hooves
or claws
or paws
or fins?
Will you still walk in them?
Feel the ground the way I feel it
smell the air as I smell it
sense the breeze as I sense it?
Will you imagine
a life that is different from your own
but still life?
Or will you shy away
from empathy and love?
Shy away
from the pain of a cage
or a slaughterhouse?
Take a walk in my shoes
and you’ll feel a life
that deserves to be lived.
sometimes bright and strong,
sometimes quiet and soft,
but always it burns.
I see a light burning in you,
I see a light burning in us all.
Each of us has a wick
and fuel to burn,
a light to guide us
and to keep us warm.
Why douse others’ flames?
With cold water
and hate?
Why bring others down?
and dim their beautiful lights?
I will fuel the lights
of everyone around me
And watch their flames grow
tall and proud.
I will bask in the warmth
of my friends’ lights,
Smile at the flickering lights
of flames across the globe.
I will fuel the light in everyone
because I know
the world is brighter
when we light it up together.
Right to bear arms
Right to vote
What about the right to be loved?
The right to feel love
and compassion and respect,
a connection to another human.
Isn't this the most basic human right of all?
You are worthy of love.
You deserve love.
As you give love, you should receive it.
All of us have a right to be loved.
Do not submit to those
who demand your love
but deny your love in return.
You have a right to love,
a right to respect
a right to feel human and beautiful and full.
Demand your rights.
Let go of your shroud of clouds
Your shade and your shadows.
Turn your face up
to the warmth of the sun
and the bright stars.
Light can be scary
It reveals
cracks, scars, bruises, tears.
In the light
others see you,
and you must see yourself.
But be brave
be bold.
Light will show you the world around.
Light will lift you up,
energize you,
help you grow.
Like sunshine
fueling a flower,
light will lift you up towards the sky
So step into the light
and find a world
that’s new and bright.
All things designed with one purpose:
to block pain.
Dim pain,
shut it out,
make it better.
What if pain
has something to teach us?
What if pain
is a sign?
What if pain
is something we can gain from?
Pain is hard,
but pain shows us
where our problems are.
Pain hurts,
but pain tells us
we can be stronger.
Pain is rough,
it chafes,
breaking us down
and eating away at us.
But sometimes,
out of pain,
a new
and stronger
and healthier
person emerges.
under a tree
so small I almost didn’t see you,
leg bent
tiny wings outspread.
I took you in and thought
“I’m giving you a gift,”
a second chance at life.
I gave you shelter,
a soft space,
food from an eye dropper,
all gifts
meant to sustain your life.
When you moved,
you fluttered,
as if every step was electric.
Your quiet peeps
and downy feathers
embodied a lively
and gentle soul.
Your body,
so small
and delicate
seemed to be life itself.
When your life flew away,
I knew you had lived a life
short but pure.
I realized
that despite what I had given you
you had given me the true gift.
and I speak out against it.
I see crime hidden around me
and I speak out to show it.
If not me, who?
But if I speak out,
maybe you will too.
I do not pass a starving child
or an injured animal.
I do not ignore,
I see
I speak
I change.
With my voice and my words
I fight for the world.
I fight for you.
And I hope that you will too.
because I believed it was right
believed it made me righteous
and showed that I was good.
I was silent
because silence ignored my problems
passed over abuse
and ignored sin.
I was silent
because I was afraid
because speaking up was hard
and could only create conflict.
I was silent
and I allowed evil to continue,
allowed sin to grow
without complaint or comment.
I was silent
and my silence kept me down,
trapped me with the sin
I was afraid to speak against.
I was silent
and my silence did not make me strong
or good
or righteous.
I was silent.
I am silent no more.
Let’s affirm how much better we are,
how much more civilized,
how much smarter,
how much happier.
Let’s stick together.
Don’t associate with anyone who’s not
Let’s slowly build walls,
keep Them out,
keep Us safe.
Let’s forget
that we’re trapping ourselves in
that we’re closing ourselves off
that we’re losing out, that Them was just an idea in the first place.
and you’ll see me looking back,
a being full of feelings,
and of thoughts.
Show me love and care,
and you’ll see me looking back,
happy and very grateful,
with love
reflecting back.
Show me hurt and hate,
and you’ll see me looking back,
injured and disheartened
from the pain of your attack
Look into my eyes,
and you’ll see my soul beneath,
so much more than fur and flesh,
paws, and teeth.
Before you think to harm me,
take a look into my eyes.
How can you hurt a being
who can love
and who can cry?
Look into my eyes
and you’ll see me looking back.
no wires
no batteries
no computer chips.
Underneath, I am made
of muscles
the very same parts
that you are made of.
I am not a machine
but a living being
with all the senses
and feelings
that life has given me
My muscles can ache
my heart feel love
my brain think
my blood flow
If you touch me,
I feel it.
If you scold me,
I hear it.
If you love me,
I know it.
Before you abuse me,
run experiments,
or use me as food,
please remember
that I can feel too.
to greet my dad.
I wag my tail and lick his hand
to show him he is loved.
While he eats breakfast
I sit on the floor
smiling at him
from beside his feet.
He pats me on the head,
and I wag my tail faster
reverberating with love
for my dad.
When he leaves for work,
I watch out the window,
watching for his car,
waiting for his return.
When he comes home
I overflow with joy
I am so excited
to spend time with my dad.
I run to the door,
tail wagging.
As he enters I jump up
excited to show him I love him.
He took me outside to play,
a guy shouted at me.
Then suddenly I feel the pain
as I fall down to the ground.
I do not understand this pain
or what I have done wrong.
I do not know why
my love has earned me pain.
How about our skin cells under a high powered microscope?
Imperfect pieces with a very perfect purpose.
This can give us hope.
Have you ever felt like you were useless?
Beaten down, exhausted, or abused?
Perhaps your life has been thrown upside down,
You’ve made mistakes that just cannot be excused.
Your heart is weary and your eyes are teary.
Your soul has reached rock bottom.
But remember the fact there is now solid ground beneath your feet.
It’s only up from here. It’s your turn to blossom.
Although life can certainly throw us curve balls
And place unwanted obstacles in our path.
We are bigger than the sum of our problems.
No doubt, God will overcome Satan’s wrath.
We must choose to face the day with a smile
Persistence and optimism are a must.
We should hold tight to the ones that support us
And in God almighty, we must place all of our trust.
Although He won’t take our problems away
He will hold our hand and see us through.
For it is by His grace and unending love that
Our sins are washed clean and we’re born anew.
Let your story be an inspiration to others.
Encouragement to those in similar situations.
For we have the tools to overcome any challenge.
Let your own accounts stand as an affirmation.
Together we can form a community,
One that spreads love, hope, and support.
A group of people, whose voices unite,
Who won’t allow you to sell yourself short.
Each of us is imperfect.
Full of scars, blemishes, and flaws.
But together we can create a perfect group
That unites to bring light to a critical cause.
A grain of sand lies at the bottom of the sea.Just off the shore.
Only feet from the place where the waves kiss the beach ever so softly.
This tiny piece of sand is just one of millions
That collectively form the floor of the ocean.
Oh the life of this grain. This tiny fleck of sand and all that it does see.
It sits idly as the tides roll in and out overhead.
But, it is violently uprooted by the sudden force of a stormy surge.
It floats along to the rhythm of the powerful waves.
And slowly drifts away from the coastline.
It falls into the deepest waters and wanders through leagues of darkness.
But, eventually, the grain is swept to the surface.
Where the sunshine warms the grain of sand and reminds it of the sky’s beauty.
It swims past some of the most stunning sea creatures and colorful coral formations.
It brushes against graceful ocean beings as they elegantly glide through clear waters.
It encounters ominous predators, deep caverns, and dark holes.
And just when it gets to used to the glowing daylight,
Dusk slips into night.
Some grains travel around the world, while other grains stay on the same beach.
Some flecks sift through the innocent hands of a curious child
While others are stuck to the bottom of feet and carried away from sandy shores.
Some grains are collected and stored in a jar.
And others blow away with the wind.
Some grains have a marvelous story to tell,
Of all the places they've been and the things that they've seen.
Some grains may not have much of an exciting past.
And others never leave the dark.
But each grain of sand is a vital part of the whole.
A component of the shore that completes the beach
That creates a surface for the crashing waves and the floor of a magnificent sea.
The sand wouldn’t feel the same beneath our feet without each grain.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Her life was perfectly planned.
She had an abundance of knowledge and confidence.
All the tools she’d need to meet any demand.
She was aware of her strengths and didn't dwell on her weakness,
Alone she could conquer the world.
But soon her assurance was sent for a spin.
Life’s plans were different - her strategy came unfurled.
Her mind was set on a narrow tunnel.
She failed to keep her options adaptive.
She was stubborn. Unwilling to bend.
Fear was holding her captive.
What she failed to understand
In spite of the present obstruction,
Was the fact that this curve-ball
Was all part of a greater production.
It wasn't what she wanted,
It didn't fit into her arrangement.
Life had completely changed directions
Without asking questions or consent.
But slowly she realized
As one door was abruptly closed,
Many more opportunities were presented.
A new life plan became exposed.
This new path wasn't what she originally intended.
It gave a journey she’d never expect.
But as she overcame the unexpected challenges,
She felt a new level of success she could never object.
For God had opened her eyes to His plan instead
And taught her she couldn't do it alone.
His plans for her were far more amazing than hers.
This hurdle was merely a stepping stone.
With a leap and a hop and jump over the raging waters,
These stepping stones led her to an open field
That was full of miraculous opportunity
And freedom as her selfishness had been healed.
She realized this obstacle was a piece of her whole,
A dilemma that would help her to grow.
It opened her eyes to a loving God,
Who she would yearn to trust, love, and know.
From trafficking, slavery, and exploitation.
Not just overseas, in third world countries,
But right here in our very own nation.
There are millions of tears that spill to the earth
Of those forced to perform against their will.
Sexually misused, abused, and degraded.
Broken, defeated, and left mentally ill.
There are millions of smiles that will never be seen
Dreams crushed right from the start.
Cries that are muffled behind closed doors.
As families are brutally torn apart.
There are millions of children whose childhoods have been ruined.
They’ll never know the unbridled joy of peace.
They’ll only know agony and suffering
Constantly praying for their pain to cease.
Together our voices can make a difference
It takes just one spark to start a fire.
To shed light on the horrendous truths
One story is enough to inspire.
No thought given to my pain
I cringe and howl in absolute agony,
As your treatment is anything but humane.
My coat was intended to keep me warm and dry
Yet it’s stolen for your selfish appearance.
Cut and pieced into clothing and accessories
Stamped with a price tag, eventually thrown into clearance.
How would your feel if your own human skin
Was violently torn from your frame?
Squandered for profits, looks, and prestige.
Who cares? You’re one and the same.
That knife cuts much deeper
Than my external flesh, fur, and skin.
The lack of compassion or thought
Cuts to the core, where my soul begins.
Although the physical pain is unbearable
It is minimal, you see
Compared to the torture, the heartache and anguish
Of a life lacking purpose and quality.
Faultlessly highlighting my bones, heart, and spleen.
It penetrates deeper than my skin and hair.
It reads me thorough, exact, and fair.
It looks past my appearance, my clothing, my occupation
Doesn’t consider my income, race, or political affiliation.
It states the facts, pretty plain and simple
Doesn't care if I worship in a church or a temple.
It doesn't limit my abilities based on my gender
Doesn't care if I’m tall or short, round or slender.
It doesn't bully me because I am different or strange
It doesn't coerce or pressure me to make a change.
The x-ray machine makes a profound proclamation
That not much differs from our initial creation.
Our bodies are created, essentially the same
The organs, the blood, the skin and the frame.
My purpose is not determined by outward characteristics
My ability’s not governed by culture or linguistics.
The x-ray machine shows us that we're ultimately equivalent
Isn't flaky, unreliable, hypocritical or ambivalent
My heart hurts for your despair.
I've worn shoes much like yours before.
It hasn't been that long since I've been there.
The feelings of helplessness, suffering and sorrow
Do nothing but drag you down.
But I’m here to tell you from experience
You can (and will) turn your life around.
Because without pain, there would be no healing.
Without darkness, we wouldn't know the light.
Without the endless challenges and setbacks
We would never learn how to put up a fight.
Despite a road full of blocks and bumps
Our obstacles help us to grow.
It’s easy to get hung up on the ‘why me’s?’
But those answers, we'll probably never know.
You are strong and capable.
Your spirit unbreakable and irreplaceable.
Although your past is not erasable,
May your future be optimistically faceable.
Poking, prodding, cutting, and killing.
Forcing us to be your experimental subjects
Scraping, shocking, drugging, and drilling.
Locking us up in meager dwellings
Filthy, restrictive, desolate, and cramped.
Filling me with toxins, chemicals, and poisons
Upon my skin a brand is painfully stamped.
My skin burns as you cover me with makeup and creams.
My muscles ache with each electrical shock.
My brain no longer functions as it should
You've carelessly destroyed my biological clock.
You alter the very DNA that nature gave me
I was not created for misery and imminent death.
Are the answers to your scientific questions
Really worth taking my very last breath?
Stop using me as your puppet, pincushion, and servant
Treat me with kindness, compassion, and respect
With all the advances to technology these days
Surely you could find an alternative subject.
But somehow through the time we find,not everyone’s hearts intertwine.Some evil dwells among our earth,So unaware of a true worth.
Many may find it rather fine,to consume animals like swine,but how they're treated is a sign,that many people cross the line.
We don’t see first hand what’s at stake,when all we have to do is bake.Our plates don't seem to tell it all,all of the cries behind the walls.
From slaughterhouses nationwide,to right at home, there is no pride,abusing helpless animals,adds fire to the mildest lull.
Luckily some have taken stand,regardless of the high demand,standing up proud against abuse,distributors have been cut loose.
If everyone is more aware,perhaps we can spread out more care,and break the crash off every wave,more animals can still be saved.
Will we ever take a stand?
If it has four legs or just two,
Every animal is an individual too!
We all fight for respect, well-being and freedom
So we could finally reach that beautiful Eden
Where the Creator co-exists
And where equality persists
Angel, animal … or human,
We all deserve some peace regardless!
Abandoned and broken and torn though I was,I held on through suffering without a cause.But through all my misery, and all my tears,God showed me a love I had not seen in years.
He did it in a quaint and remarkable way;Through my rabbit, He said all He needed to say;That through good and bad someone would always be there,That when I’m rejected, there is someone who cares.
He showed me that life on Earth’s not where it ends,Through the help of my lop-eared, fur-covered friend.I may not have known it at that exact time,But now I see how everything falls in line.
And follow the one true Christ.
He did not say to take your crown,
For first there is a price.
We cannot reap where we've not sown,
For there’s work to be done;
We are called to do God’s will,
To let his kingdom come.
We can’t demand reward from God,
For he already gave,
A priceless gift of salvation
Through the one who came to save.
And if we live just for the crown,
And not for love of God,
Does that not make us selfish?
Does that not deem us a fraud?
So stay headstrong and carry on,
Through the trials of life;
For Jesus bore the weight of sins,
And through him we bear strife.
The sufferings of this world are great,
But you are not alone.
Take up your cross, don’t be afraid;
For this is not your home.
One day you will earn your crown,
So keep that day in sight.
But first have faith in the old rugged cross,
Lest you lose that right.
But it’s not in flesh we fight;
A battle rages deep within
Between the dark and light.
Evil lies within our world,
Tearing it apart,
Driving a wedge between the soul of man
And God’s own heart.
Yet grace and goodness can be seen
In all that God has done;
A love stronger than bitter hate,
Sent down as God’s own son.
Evil is a sleeping cancer,
Deadly yet concealed;
So ruthless and so lethal,
That so few can be healed.
But goodness is a warming touch,
Soothing to the soul.
For all who will accept it
Will surely be made whole.
Both sides are deep in battle,
And our souls are the prize;
Yet one fights for purity
And the other wills demise.
So where are we in this battle?
Are we among the true?Are we the righteous,
God’s dear sheep,
Or slaves to Satan’s ruse?
The Light will always overcome,
Even in the darkest place;
And if we only choose the Light,
We’ll see Jesus face to face.
The eternal victor’s obvious,
And the ending is so clear;
But we must fight against all evil,
For perfect love drives out fear.
Good and evil, both in pursuit
For our eternal souls;We’re born with a choice-
To live or die, to fight for love or hate.
Evil’s time is running out,
For Satan’s end is near;
And all the horrors he has caused
Will surely disappear.
And the good will yet prevail,
Standing ever still;And if we only choose it now,
One day we also will.
At times it’s covered in fur all around,
Or wool, skin or even feathers,
Depending on what animal I've found!
For no human love is more pure or true
Than a beloved pet, a love so strong,
And full of simple beauty, through and through,
A love which remains as a life is long.
A human, with a flawed human heart, may
Love on his own terms; but a pet I know
Who snuggles close on a wintery day
Loves no matter which way the wind doth blow.
And so I resign my heart and my mind
To the great love of rabbits, cats, dogs, and their kind.
Carcasses of my siblings lay.
I watch you now
Walk away.
Moments ago,
Your greedy eyes, knives,
Merciless shadow
Had snatched their lives.
As you merry about
The cozy fur and trophy heads
I prepare to ready the shroud
Tears piling around in hundreds.
Justice waits for you…
Justice of nature…
A world dry of animals, foliage, and hue-
Nature’s punishment for our blunder.
That was constructed for scientific research.
I am more than just pretty colors and silly talking tricks
Caged upon this perch.
My body was created for a purpose
Other than your dinner plate.
Why must you kick and hit, scream and scold
Then lock me for hours in this lonely crate?
My soul cries out as I am forced to work
Beyond my strength and will.
Although I push with all my might,
You are only standing still.
I am more than just a breeding factory
Giving birth to endless brood.
Only for my children to be torn from me
And sold away as food.
How would you feel if someone cut away your hair
And turned it into a coat?
Only for a thoughtless soul
To parade around and gloat.
That overpriced purse you clutch
Was constructed from my skin.
For years I’ve been living in restrictive pain.
I’m starting to wear thin.
I’m more than your convenience
Your entertainment or nutrition.
I have feelings. I have desires.
I even have ambition.
Forever In Love
There's a smile on my lips,
it belongs to you,
Because joy makes my heart flips when
inspired by you.
Where once I believed
there was only loss and heartache,
you eased everything I grieved,
just when I was sure it was more than I could take.
There is a sparkle in my eye,
that belongs to you too,
because you gave me back the sky,
raindrops and the first morning dew.
When once I had lost sight,
of all things beautiful and pure,
you reminded me to delight,
and that love will always endure.
There is faith in my heart,
that belongs to you as well,
because you gave me back what I knew from the start,
that inside of me His spirit does always dwell.
Your gentleness and your affection,
taught me of His unconditional love,
and that God asks not for perfection,
but only that I seek His wisdom from above.
There is forgiveness in my soul,
it’s something that to me you gave,
when I was certain I could never be whole,
when I didn't think there was anything left of me to save.
You held me in your loving gaze,
and reminded me that I deserved life,
life beyond this painful haze,
life without such isolation and strife.
When I think of the love we share,
it brings tears to my eyes,
and those belong to you too,
because out of gratitude they rise.
I can't imagine my life without you in it,
even though I never imagined I would have you,
and now we are a perfect fit,
that I never knew could come true.
Words cannot convey
the blessings daily I now receive,
all because you came into my life one day,
and reminded me to love, to forgive, and to believe.
© Shenita Etwaroo
it belongs to you,
Because joy makes my heart flips when
inspired by you.
Where once I believed
there was only loss and heartache,
you eased everything I grieved,
just when I was sure it was more than I could take.
There is a sparkle in my eye,
that belongs to you too,
because you gave me back the sky,
raindrops and the first morning dew.
When once I had lost sight,
of all things beautiful and pure,
you reminded me to delight,
and that love will always endure.
There is faith in my heart,
that belongs to you as well,
because you gave me back what I knew from the start,
that inside of me His spirit does always dwell.
Your gentleness and your affection,
taught me of His unconditional love,
and that God asks not for perfection,
but only that I seek His wisdom from above.
There is forgiveness in my soul,
it’s something that to me you gave,
when I was certain I could never be whole,
when I didn't think there was anything left of me to save.
You held me in your loving gaze,
and reminded me that I deserved life,
life beyond this painful haze,
life without such isolation and strife.
When I think of the love we share,
it brings tears to my eyes,
and those belong to you too,
because out of gratitude they rise.
I can't imagine my life without you in it,
even though I never imagined I would have you,
and now we are a perfect fit,
that I never knew could come true.
Words cannot convey
the blessings daily I now receive,
all because you came into my life one day,
and reminded me to love, to forgive, and to believe.
Beat of your heart
Once I gazed helplessly
at the stars in the sky,
at the endless rolling sea,
and asked why?
I was seeking you,
without having a name to call,
I was longing for you,
willing to leap, or even to crawl.
By some magic, my wish was granted,
and here I am, wrapped up in your arms.
Nothing else has ever left me so enchanted,
not any beauty, not any spell, not any charms.
I no longer gaze at the stars,
I no longer long for anything,
all I want is exactly where we are,
your embrace makes my spirit sing.
I find my paradise
in the steady beat of your heart,
I want to listen to it for the rest of my life,
it's a sound I've ached for from the start.
With our hands intertwined,
the universe before us is wide and free,
it is anything that we can find,
it is anything that we wish for it to be.
Decades may pass us right by,
as we dance to the beat of our shared heart,
as we forget about the stars in the sky,
and what it ever felt like when we were apart.
No matter how rough the sea,
no matter how high the waves,
you and I will float endlessly,
through anything our path paves.
I will never drift away,
as long as I am holding on to you,
and come what may,
my fears will always be few.
I won't find answers by staring at the stars,
all of my dreams I've found in your heartbeat,
it sets me free of all obstacles, of all bars,
and leaves with me no fear of defeat.
We are two flowers on the sea,
riding on the waves, letting go of what will be,
as long as it is you and me,
we will ride these waves eternally.
© Shenita Etwaroo
In my darkest nights,
there is yet a glimmer
that grows into a brilliant light,
a familiar and welcome shimmer.
Whether my eyes are shut,
against the difficulty I face,
or I am gazing up into the night,
I always look toward the same place.
I can find you in the middle of the day,
I can find you through my dreams,
I can find you in the prayers that I say,
and through any light that beams.
I know that you are my peace.
I know that if I am afraid and lonely,
all of my troubles will cease,
when it's your light that I see.
I may not be able to touch you,
to feel you in my arms just now,
but I know for certain one thing is true,
we will be together again somehow.
We may be separated in many ways,
but in my heart and soul you dwell,
each and every one of my days,
is a day I share with you as well.
Sometimes I long for you,
I shed a tear,
sometimes I beg for you,
and get lost in my pain.
My life was so bright,
when you were part of it,
now life doesn't seem quite right,
you're still the heart of it.
I can't call you lost,
I can't say that you've been taken,
because no matter the cost,
I have one belief that can't be shaken:
you are that subtle glimmer,
calling me from your celestial paradise,
you are that brilliant shimmer
that promises me there is much more to life.
I know, even as I seek the comfort of your presence,
that you have never truly left my side,
and as long as there is any form of existence,
your love in my heart will always reside.
© Shenita Etwaroo
My Heart Belongs To You
It's a steady sound,
despite my grief,
it continues to pound,
fluttering and brief,
but oh so very strong,
because it is filled with you,
and the type of love that wrote every song,
and made every dream come true.
It beats within me,
even as a tear is shed,
it reminds me of what used to be,
and the words that we once said.
I love you forever,
and ever,
and ever...
The moon rises,
with its milky light,
and its soulful surprises,
in which most delight.
I stare into the sky,
waiting for a sign,
an explanation for why
you can no longer be mine.
I feel it then as the stars shine,
a whisper of the wind,
a reminder that you are always mine,
in the caress of the breeze against my skin.
You are there still and always,
you are there speaking through my heart,
of all of the wonderful ways
that we are not actually apart.
Love does not come and go,
love is what creates us from the start,
love is what we're made of, this I know,
and love is what counts the beats of my heart.
Though the night is long,
and the distance may seem great,
I know that our love is truly strong,
so strong that nothing can separate.
My heart belongs to you,
it beats with the rhythm of your voice,
everything I do is all for you,
now I hear again, and can rejoice.
© Shenita Etwaroo
It only takes a touch
to remind me that I am blessed,
that I am loved so much,
that my little miracle is just for me.
It may be a light caress,
against the back of my hand,
it may be a chaotic mess,
that only I can understand.
It may be a soft cry,
it may be a joyful squeal,
both can inspire a grateful sigh,
and have helped my soul to heal.
It's her loving presence,
whether quiet or loud,
that sweet unconditional essence,
that makes me so very proud.
How many times have I walked on by,
Past the fluttering dance,
of a perfectly beautiful butterfly,
without ever giving it a second glance.
When she is near,
I never miss a sight,
because everything is so much more clear,
and she teaches me to delight.
Her constant awe
teaches me to pay attention,
to everything I never saw,
to the way nature can offer affection.
She's opened my eyes
to the rainbow that shines above,
as it stretches across the skies,
an example of celestial love.
She awakened my spirit within,
to the truth that all things posses beauty,
and that no matter how hard it’s been,
joy will always outweigh misery.
She's my little miracle, that's for sure,
as she warms my heart,
I know I could never ask for more,
I know that we will never be apart.
She's my blessing, a wish come true,
she's the reason I wake,
she's what paints the sky blue,
she's the sun's reflection on a still lake.
She's everything that takes my breath away,
and I can't believe she's mine,
I know she's here to stay,
a truer miracle I could never find.
No matter how many moments remain,
each one will be filled with joy,
because her light has chased away my pain,
and a miracle is something no one can destroy.
If one day I am gone I can only hope,
that everyone will have a chance to know
that this little beacon found me at the end of my rope,
and taught me to grow.
Miracles come in many different ways,
they come at exactly the right time,
and for all of the rest of my days,
I will be grateful that she is mine.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Eternal love
One look in my direction,
and there is no doubt in my mind
of your pure affection,
in your eyes it is clearly defined.
There is no room to question,
when that adoration fills your face,
and I find myself lost in your expression,
and longing for your warm embrace.
Never before did I think
that someone would see me this way,
in the past I'd hide and shrink
from life each and every day.
But the moment you looked at me,
my world spun around,
and you set me free
from the fear with which I was bound.
I understood from the glow in your eyes,
that I mattered to you,
and to my surprise,
I actually believed it was true.
There you are,
the one that I adore,
never again far,
and always insisting you love me more.
It's such a pleasure
to feel loved by you,
my most valuable treasure,
my most beautiful view.
Come what may,
our love is unchanged,
and I always find a way to say,
that you can never be exchanged.
I love you for you,
I wouldn't alter a single aspect
of all that makes you, you,
I offer all of my love and respect.
I take a breath and soar,
as I remind myself that we are together,
and though once I had thought I couldn't take anymore,
now I can't wait for forever.
Never again will we part,
despite the bumps and wrinkles of time,
because I have given you my heart,
and for you my adoration will always shine.
The moment you looked at me,
I knew that I would never again be alone,
and I say so fervently, so gratefully,
that that you are the most amazing soul I've ever known.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Beat of my heart
Promises have been whispered before,
from my lips,
from the lips of friends and more,
but none quite like this.
Each word I speak,
is one I intend to keep,
my promise will never be weak,
made by a heart no longer asleep.
Each breath I take,
is sacred to me,
because it is drawn for your sake,
for you, I will always be good.
What makes me alive
is the joy in your eyes,
what inspires me to survive
is the love that came as a surprise.
It has been a long journey so far,
brutal and unkind,
but I still sought magic in the stars,
and hoped I might yet still find
a warmth like your embrace,
a beautiful soul like you,
an angel with a familiar face,
a dream that actually came true.
I whispered my prayers each night,
I sought the promise of tomorrow,
I dreamed and lost myself in the delight
of a fantasy that whisked away all of my sorrow.
I knew you long before
we ever had the opportunity to meet,
you were the reason I was sure,
that tragedy could not deal love a defeat.
Just when I might have given in,
when I might have surrendered to solitude,
my heart you did win,
and I can't ever fully express my gratitude.
My life is now in full bloom,
my love is bursting from deep within me,
like a fountain washing away the gloom,
and finally, truly, setting me free.
That is why I whisper this promise to you,
words sacred between you and I,
that my love will always be true,
that it will belong to you until the day I die.
Perhaps beyond, with angels wings,
our love will still grow,
and my heart will continue to sing,
for the joy I finally know.
© Shenita Etwaroo
at the stars in the sky,
at the endless rolling sea,
and asked why?
I was seeking you,
without having a name to call,
I was longing for you,
willing to leap, or even to crawl.
By some magic, my wish was granted,
and here I am, wrapped up in your arms.
Nothing else has ever left me so enchanted,
not any beauty, not any spell, not any charms.
I no longer gaze at the stars,
I no longer long for anything,
all I want is exactly where we are,
your embrace makes my spirit sing.
I find my paradise
in the steady beat of your heart,
I want to listen to it for the rest of my life,
it's a sound I've ached for from the start.
With our hands intertwined,
the universe before us is wide and free,
it is anything that we can find,
it is anything that we wish for it to be.
Decades may pass us right by,
as we dance to the beat of our shared heart,
as we forget about the stars in the sky,
and what it ever felt like when we were apart.
No matter how rough the sea,
no matter how high the waves,
you and I will float endlessly,
through anything our path paves.
I will never drift away,
as long as I am holding on to you,
and come what may,
my fears will always be few.
I won't find answers by staring at the stars,
all of my dreams I've found in your heartbeat,
it sets me free of all obstacles, of all bars,
and leaves with me no fear of defeat.
We are two flowers on the sea,
riding on the waves, letting go of what will be,
as long as it is you and me,
we will ride these waves eternally.
there is yet a glimmer
that grows into a brilliant light,
a familiar and welcome shimmer.
Whether my eyes are shut,
against the difficulty I face,
or I am gazing up into the night,
I always look toward the same place.
I can find you in the middle of the day,
I can find you through my dreams,
I can find you in the prayers that I say,
and through any light that beams.
I know that you are my peace.
I know that if I am afraid and lonely,
all of my troubles will cease,
when it's your light that I see.
I may not be able to touch you,
to feel you in my arms just now,
but I know for certain one thing is true,
we will be together again somehow.
We may be separated in many ways,
but in my heart and soul you dwell,
each and every one of my days,
is a day I share with you as well.
Sometimes I long for you,
I shed a tear,
sometimes I beg for you,
and get lost in my pain.
My life was so bright,
when you were part of it,
now life doesn't seem quite right,
you're still the heart of it.
I can't call you lost,
I can't say that you've been taken,
because no matter the cost,
I have one belief that can't be shaken:
you are that subtle glimmer,
calling me from your celestial paradise,
you are that brilliant shimmer
that promises me there is much more to life.
I know, even as I seek the comfort of your presence,
that you have never truly left my side,
and as long as there is any form of existence,
your love in my heart will always reside.
despite my grief,
it continues to pound,
fluttering and brief,
but oh so very strong,
because it is filled with you,
and the type of love that wrote every song,
and made every dream come true.
It beats within me,
even as a tear is shed,
it reminds me of what used to be,
and the words that we once said.
I love you forever,
and ever,
and ever...
The moon rises,
with its milky light,
and its soulful surprises,
in which most delight.
I stare into the sky,
waiting for a sign,
an explanation for why
you can no longer be mine.
I feel it then as the stars shine,
a whisper of the wind,
a reminder that you are always mine,
in the caress of the breeze against my skin.
You are there still and always,
you are there speaking through my heart,
of all of the wonderful ways
that we are not actually apart.
Love does not come and go,
love is what creates us from the start,
love is what we're made of, this I know,
and love is what counts the beats of my heart.
Though the night is long,
and the distance may seem great,
I know that our love is truly strong,
so strong that nothing can separate.
My heart belongs to you,
it beats with the rhythm of your voice,
everything I do is all for you,
now I hear again, and can rejoice.
to remind me that I am blessed,
that I am loved so much,
that my little miracle is just for me.
It may be a light caress,
against the back of my hand,
it may be a chaotic mess,
that only I can understand.
It may be a soft cry,
it may be a joyful squeal,
both can inspire a grateful sigh,
and have helped my soul to heal.
It's her loving presence,
whether quiet or loud,
that sweet unconditional essence,
that makes me so very proud.
How many times have I walked on by,
Past the fluttering dance,
of a perfectly beautiful butterfly,
without ever giving it a second glance.
When she is near,
I never miss a sight,
because everything is so much more clear,
and she teaches me to delight.
Her constant awe
teaches me to pay attention,
to everything I never saw,
to the way nature can offer affection.
She's opened my eyes
to the rainbow that shines above,
as it stretches across the skies,
an example of celestial love.
She awakened my spirit within,
to the truth that all things posses beauty,
and that no matter how hard it’s been,
joy will always outweigh misery.
She's my little miracle, that's for sure,
as she warms my heart,
I know I could never ask for more,
I know that we will never be apart.
She's my blessing, a wish come true,
she's the reason I wake,
she's what paints the sky blue,
she's the sun's reflection on a still lake.
She's everything that takes my breath away,
and I can't believe she's mine,
I know she's here to stay,
a truer miracle I could never find.
No matter how many moments remain,
each one will be filled with joy,
because her light has chased away my pain,
and a miracle is something no one can destroy.
If one day I am gone I can only hope,
that everyone will have a chance to know
that this little beacon found me at the end of my rope,
and taught me to grow.
Miracles come in many different ways,
they come at exactly the right time,
and for all of the rest of my days,
I will be grateful that she is mine.
and there is no doubt in my mind
of your pure affection,
in your eyes it is clearly defined.
There is no room to question,
when that adoration fills your face,
and I find myself lost in your expression,
and longing for your warm embrace.
Never before did I think
that someone would see me this way,
in the past I'd hide and shrink
from life each and every day.
But the moment you looked at me,
my world spun around,
and you set me free
from the fear with which I was bound.
I understood from the glow in your eyes,
that I mattered to you,
and to my surprise,
I actually believed it was true.
There you are,
the one that I adore,
never again far,
and always insisting you love me more.
It's such a pleasure
to feel loved by you,
my most valuable treasure,
my most beautiful view.
Come what may,
our love is unchanged,
and I always find a way to say,
that you can never be exchanged.
I love you for you,
I wouldn't alter a single aspect
of all that makes you, you,
I offer all of my love and respect.
I take a breath and soar,
as I remind myself that we are together,
and though once I had thought I couldn't take anymore,
now I can't wait for forever.
Never again will we part,
despite the bumps and wrinkles of time,
because I have given you my heart,
and for you my adoration will always shine.
The moment you looked at me,
I knew that I would never again be alone,
and I say so fervently, so gratefully,
that that you are the most amazing soul I've ever known.
from my lips,
from the lips of friends and more,
but none quite like this.
Each word I speak,
is one I intend to keep,
my promise will never be weak,
made by a heart no longer asleep.
Each breath I take,
is sacred to me,
because it is drawn for your sake,
for you, I will always be good.
What makes me alive
is the joy in your eyes,
what inspires me to survive
is the love that came as a surprise.
It has been a long journey so far,
brutal and unkind,
but I still sought magic in the stars,
and hoped I might yet still find
a warmth like your embrace,
a beautiful soul like you,
an angel with a familiar face,
a dream that actually came true.
I whispered my prayers each night,
I sought the promise of tomorrow,
I dreamed and lost myself in the delight
of a fantasy that whisked away all of my sorrow.
I knew you long before
we ever had the opportunity to meet,
you were the reason I was sure,
that tragedy could not deal love a defeat.
Just when I might have given in,
when I might have surrendered to solitude,
my heart you did win,
and I can't ever fully express my gratitude.
My life is now in full bloom,
my love is bursting from deep within me,
like a fountain washing away the gloom,
and finally, truly, setting me free.
That is why I whisper this promise to you,
words sacred between you and I,
that my love will always be true,
that it will belong to you until the day I die.
Perhaps beyond, with angels wings,
our love will still grow,
and my heart will continue to sing,
for the joy I finally know.
You and I
I locked myself away,
so carefully and so tight,
I drifted endlessly from day,
impossibly to night.
I tried to accept my misery,
as the only life I've ever known.
Though I didn't allow myself to hope,
though I told myself not to believe,
as it was the only way I could cope,
I still found myself having to grieve.
No matter how I tried to protect
from the pain and hurt I've faced,
never giving anyone the opportunity to reject,
I still longed so deeply to be embraced.
Wistful and lost I called to you,
without ever knowing your name,
I didn't dare to think it could be true,
but still, against all odds, you came.
With a key to the prison I created,
you unlocked all that I am and could be,
with a love that must have been fated,
finally shared between you and me.
You became my haven,
in which I could finally rest,
and forget all that I might have mistaken
for being for my best.
Now I know better because of you,
the angel by my side,
now I know that love so true
is something that can’t never hide.
For every wish I ever made,
you are my shining star,
I know our joy will never fade,
No longer alone, you are never far.
You turned my stormy night,
into an endless sunny day,
you turned my darkness into light,
and I am grateful in every single way.
Thank you for easing my pain,
thank you for unlocking my soul,
thank you for all that I gain,
when your loving presence makes me whole.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Lamp of Light
My love is a lamp filled with light,
that burns through the night.
Even when the rain falls,
It can't get through these walls.
It's a flame that is strong,
and it will burn bright and long,
even when the wind gusts,
my lamp still shines as it must.
The wandering storm that approaches,
rages and rolls as it broaches,
but not even its lightning can strike down my light,
not even its thunder can silence love's might.
This love is a chain,
formed of links that withstand pain.
This love cannot break,
no matter the pressure it is forced to take.
The lamp and the burning flame inside,
is formed of every tear I've ever cried.
It is formed with every cell of my being,
and every dream that I'm still seeing.
It shed its light for you,
and burned for both of us true.
You were there, you were always there,
when what I needed most was your care.
Not matter how hot my love flamed,
you were always shining, sparkling, never ashamed.
Your love became part of the light inside my lamp,
that nothing could ever completely stamp.
Even when the thunder began to roll,
and the raging storm took its toll,
even when from me you were stole,
I know that my flame is still whole.
Because no matter what the storm brings,
no matter how fierce the thunder sings,
my love is this lamp shining bright,
my love is every day and every night.
Though you are not with me,
you can never leave me,
though I grieve you,
I can never be without you.
We are one,
a kinship that can never be done,
my lamp shelters your love,
as it shelters my love,
and it burns, and it burns, and it burns.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Love and Light
My heart was locked up tight,
but it was still breaking.
I yearned for a special kind of light,
that would make a risk worth taking.
In my hour of need,
I turned to God above,
I whispered my plead,
to once again feel love.
Like a feather on the wind,
you brushed against my heart,
and asked to be let in,
to let the flow of love once again start.
Suddenly my world was filled with light,
warm, guiding, and offered unconditionally,
your light, shining and shimmering so bright,
through the darkness I could finally see.
I opened my eyes,
and bore my soul,
because against all odds love defies,
and strives to heal and make whole.
The moment you came into my life,
I no longer had burdens upon me,
and despite all of my past strife,
I was finally able to be free.
I begged God for you,
when I felt so alone,
and with love so true,
you are the best gift I've ever known.
How can I complain,
about the trials that come,
about the thunder or the rain,
when all my loneliness is done.
Whatever may unfold,
I can greet it with a smile,
because in my heart your love I hold,
it carries me through mile after mile.
The tears I once shed,
seem distant and foreign,
since the prayer that I said,
has let me let you in.
In moments of crisis and uncertainty,
when justice is far from my view,
all it takes is your love to remind me,
that the world has become brand new.
Now I walk bravely with my head held high,
now I am grateful for the ground beneath my feet,
now when there is a dark and gloomy sky,
I still feel safe and complete.
Let the thorns pierce my skin,
let the storms rage through,
let the emotions rumble within,
as long as I have you to turn to.
There is no longer a plead to make,
as I have been fulfilled,
by a love that will never shake,
a love that God mercifully willed.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Lamp of Love
The elements are calling…
Intentions are no good.
Rain comes in masses beyond imagine
Each drop in search of saturation
It’s goal to oust the flame.
Rain comes in storms, with gusts of wind
So strong, and always certain.
Its goal to extinguish all light
To end all luminosity.
But love maintains its magic.
My love is the authentic brand,
Most durable of all.
This lantern is my lamp of love
Ignited by my heart
Immortal as long as you breathe.
The flames move with my blood as one
A cackle for each cell.
Though thunder never shows demise
Our bond weathers the storm.
Our chain is just too strong.
Like lightning’s path, ever so distant
Still we hold together.
A world in which there is no calm
Yet we can find our own.
Our flame burns on eternally.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Light in the Dark
A stagnant pulse was interrupted;
My heart engaged a new intrusion
Inside my feelings stayed so hidden.
Outside knew no quarrel.
God was never at the blame,
Through pain, my pain remained inside
My secret’s safety bound by laughter.
Flowers wounded my arise
And I embraced each thorn with such.
With beauty must come a price
Oh, such a price to pay.
But when I raised my hands in prayers
Knees rooted like my mind
No hesitation, despite all
I still begged God for you!
© Shenita Etwaroo
Helping Others
When I was a child,
I didn't dream of what was to come,
my dreams were always wild,
nightmares of where I had come from.
When I was a child crying each day,
I didn't know to wish or to hope,
to close my eyes and pray,
I only struggled to find a way to cope.
I heard the screaming,
as it carried through my home,
I heard his lying and scheming,
as his interest did roam.
I heard her fury as it rose within,
she wasn't strong enough,
to fight back against him,
but her little girl wasn't so tough.
Every breath I took,
seemed to stir up rage,
and even though I shivered and shook,
I was still the one locked in a cage.
With only my pillow to hang on to,
and love only animals could give,
my body struggled but it still grew,
it was foolish enough to want to live.
I didn't ask to be born,
to be riddled with pain from day one,
I didn't expect to be faced with scorn,
and wish my life was done.
But there was nothing but pain around me,
at home, at school, it didn't matter,
and as the cruelty continued to surround me,
I just wanted an escape,
a chance to finally feel safe,
to be away from the endless hate,
I had no concept of faith.
It was surrender, the only mercy I knew,
and I wanted a chance to be free,
of all of the torture that in my home did brew,
of all the tumult and misery.
In my mind love had to be earned,
so I did my very best to be good,
and hoped I would finally be understood.
But all of my efforts were met,
with a blind eye,
and I soon came to regret,
the fact that I even bothered to try.
I was ready to give up and end it all,
but for all the love I wasn't shown,
that didn't stop a child so small,
from being the purest love ever known.
It was born in me,
to be a light,
it was born in me,
to find a way to delight,
even if it took me years,
even if it took me longer,
even if took me millions of tears,
even if I was forced to be stronger.
I surrounded myself with friends,
who shared my knowing of love as truth,
and my heart did heal and mend,
because of the pets I have now and had in my youth.
Now I make it my goal,
to help others who are alone,
whose life has taken a toll,
on the love they have always instinctively known.
If I can heal one heart,
with the knowledge I have gained,
then I will know even from the start,
It was worth every bit of my pain.
I will love more fierce,
than any power they had over me,
and my love will pierce,
every ounce of their misery.
You didn't win,
even with all the suffering you were designing,
I was always hidden deep within,
and now finally I'm here and shining.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Friendship is not defined,
by form or name,
true friendship is the kind,
that leaves you never the same.
I made the mistake,
of giving out my trust to others
who only wanted to mock,
who pretended to care.
It was a terrible time for me,
until my angel came into my life,
an animal whose love set me free,
and eased all of my strife.
Others might say,
that a pet can't be a friend,
but the love shown to me,
was the only way I could mend.
Even when I met others,
who pretended to care,
my angel loved me like no other,
and when my heart broke she was there.
I never knew that I could be,
loved without being judged,
I never knew that I was worthy,
of being cared for without a grudge.
But this fine animal in my arms,
taught me that I deserved so much more,
that love shouldn't ever cause harm,
and that I had never truly been loved before.
My world opened and became whole,
with her by my side,
I finally got to know my soul,
and who I was inside.
When the tragedy arose,
when I was forced to say goodbye,
I grieved a love that no one knows,
no one understands the tears I still cry.
The people who claimed to care,
turned against me yet again,
it wasn't right and it wasn't fair,
that I had lost my only friend.
But I learned so much,
from the time she spent with me,
and even though I no longer have her touch,
I will always have her memory.
All the things she helped me to learn,
about love and life and joy,
in my heart these things still burn,
they are treasure that nothing can destroy.
Despite the hurt I was forced to endure,
from the hateful words of others,
I now am strong and absolutely sure,
that I deserve love as do others.
Because of my angel's presence,
though it was far too short a time,
I've been helping others ever since,
to know real love, a love like mine.
© Shenita Etwaroo
The sound of shattering,
it still echoes through me,
even though the past has stopped mattering,
and I have finally escaped your misery.
Still I hear it break…
I hear the shattering of my heart,
I hear the abuse I was made to take,
I hear the sorrow I endured from the start.
I hear the shattering of broken bones,
of what happens when a body hits the floor,
of the saddest cries and deepest moans,
of what happens when you can't walk out the door.
I hear the shattering of my soul,
as I hid beneath my bed,
and prayed for my life to be whole,
instead of slashed into bits and shreds.
Moments that became dark memories,
displaced and disjointed,
as the horrors became secret stories,
and fingers were never allowed to be pointed.
Please help me, gentle hands,
please soothe this pain away,
because I don't understand,
why this is my life day to day.
But the softest hands in my life,
did nothing but harm,
they only deepened my strife,
with a hatred that I couldn't disarm.
I needed some safety,
a place to hide and breathe,
a place to heal and grieve.
But I didn't know what love looked like,
because the tears in my eyes left me blind,
and I chose the wrong path to hike,
and found myself in a brand new bind.
Soft hands, please save me,
please teach me to be adored,
please end this sad sad story,
and leave me feeling comforted and assured.
Instead those soft hands hurt me more,
under the guise of the imitation of love,
it shattered me in a way I never had before,
and I was left begging for mercy from above.
As the tears spilled down my cheeks,
and my soul cried out for sweet release,
I prayed one last time for what the heart seeks,
despite the bitterness that had become my beliefs.
In the darkness that became my breath and skin,
I suddenly witnessed a streak of light,
that wakened the dormant soul within,
and taught me that things really could be right.
My angels, more beautiful than any known,
with hands so soft and gentle and warm,
healed my shattered heart and shattered bone,
around me their love and compassion did swarm
I learned finally that I was not to blame,
that I had done nothing so terribly wrong,
and though I might never be the same,
my hurts could become what made me strong.
With love so determined and endless pride,
I blossomed beneath their soft hands,
as I became who I always was inside,
and found the strength on which to stand.
I was born into a world shattered,
into chaos and hatred and misery,
but finally someone showed me that I mattered,
and finally I learned that I truly could be free.
© Shenita Etwaroo
In the beautiful world I see,
there is enough love,
to reach from sea to sea,
from the ground to the sky above.
In this world there is plenty to share,
no reason for war, no reason for hate,
and every being have arms that care,
harmony and wholeness are our fate.
This the world that I see,
when I close my eyes,
to block out the misery,
of a world of hatred and lies.
A world where the gentle hearted
are punished for their affection,
a world where families are parted,
and no one bothers to pay attention.
In the world I wish I did not see,
all pure things are broken,
by unrelenting cruelty,
and acts that remain unspoken.
Those that love unconditionally,
animals or people who care,
are faced with endless tragedy,
with only the solace of prayer.
It baffles the mind,
to think that anyone could destroy,
what is so warm and kind,
what only seeks to bring joy.
But time and time again,
those that hate seek to harm,
and in the end,
they disguise it with wit and charm.
When I close my eyes,
I see that beautiful place,
where all of the hurt and the lies,
has been permanently erased.
Here there is only hope,
and the chance to love one another,
there is no need to cope,
no hurt from which to recover.
Instead those born to love,
are allowed to roam and be free,
from the ground to the sky above,
from sea to beautiful sea.
But I never keep my eyes closed long,
as beautiful as it may seem,
I know I must be strong,
I must not be lost in my dream.
Instead of drifting away to a safe place,
I must pour my love from my heart,
so that one day that world will occupy this space,
and finally we will all be given a loving start.
No more strikes will fall,
on backs never meant to be broken,
no more dirty cages or tiny stalls,
no more abuse and secrets left unspoken.
No more lost and lonely,
wandering the streets alone,
no more unfathomable tragedy,
no more left without a home.
One day I will open my eyes,
and that beautiful world I long to see,
will be what before me lies,
from ground to sky, an sea to sea.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Never Give up
There is always reason to hope,
sometimes you have to look,
past all of the difficulties with which you cope,
and all of the wrong turns you took.
But there is always reason to smile,
sometimes you have to wade through,
the pain that follows you mile after mile,
but the joy inside of you is still very true.
There is always reason to believe,
no matter how many times you've hit the ground,
no matter how many losses you may grieve,
there's always a new path to be found.
Take a moment to breathe,
take a moment to remember,
choose what to take and what to leave,
one experience is not forever.
Look for the light,
in your own eyes,
look for an excuse to delight,
savor the bluest skies.
When you come to see,
that giving up is not a choice,
you can rise above your misery,
and begin to rejoice.
One foot in front of the other,
will lead you to new opportunities,
one, and then another,
each day full of new journeys.
There will always be a new friend to meet,
there will always be a new sunrise to see,
listen to the sound of your own heartbeat,
follow its rhythm and set yourself free.
Each day is your gift,
given to you to use as you will,
will your spirit fall or lift,
how will your spirit be fulfilled?
Take this day,
and make it belong only to you,
find a new way,
to paint your sky blue.
Never give up, never give in,
because there's always another day,
there's always another dream within,
and there's always a brand new way.
© Shenita Etwaroo
My life in a cage -as narrated by a baby rabbit
Pain and screams, that’s all I hear now.Loneliness and fear, that's all I feel now.Blood and death, that's all I see now.An Experiment... that's all I am now.
For these callous people,whose obdurate hands will cripple,and divide body into parts—don't they have any hearts? To feel leniency on my soft skin,Through which they will inject in,chemicals, and poisons to test,for redundant things, they crush my chest.
They lead us to neurotic behavior;from intense stress, they give no savior.To stop this brutal practice en masse,Or to lead us to a way out, or passage, Through these small and murky cages,Within which I've spent my ages,Until you are with me, I can only cry,For when the cage opens, it's my turn to die.
A Fashionable Slaughter
Jumping and running free, through the green bushes,
Laughing and playing, and living care-free,
Breathing in freedom, with essence of green lushes,
Crawling all over, and under the trees,
Now, for too many, it is only a dream,
As one can only hear their pain, and their screams,
When they're strung upside-down and skinned alive,
Required to feel every stroke of the knife
While their skins are peeled from their body, like threads,
And crudely smashed to the wall are their heads,
While some of them still cling to life,
Gasping their way through the pain of the knife,
Even after their skins are removed,
The slaughterer's heart is never moved.
While their furs are shipped off through boats,
To be worn on the town as hats or as coats,
To serve up fashionable wintertime trends,
The cycle of pain never truly ends,
For the pups who still lie waiting in the cage,
Safely secured from the public outrage.
Unheard are all of the agonized cries,
Filling the ears of the worst sort of man,
Wasteful are all of the countless tries,
To fight for their freedom, however they can.
Still, at the end, a slim hope sustains them,
That there might at least be a single stem,
From which will come some person with heart,
To end all the smashing, the being torn apart,
Someone who will rise above those of small mind,
and open the eyes which have thereto been blind,
or at the very least, put an end to fur fashion,
And spread wide their voice with some compassion.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Soul Companion
Those lovely brown eyes stared at me,
with such love and affection,
always prepared to comfort me,
though I might not be paying attention.
The warmth of your cuddly body,
filled me with joy I hadn't known;
as your little teeth ground softly,
to me a real love was truly shown.
You loved without judging my flaws,
with no expectations in return,
with a gentle push of your paws,
and a smile that only I could discern.
My sweet Neo, you knew me better,
than any human heart ever seemed to,
the time that we spent together,
was the one part of my life that seemed true.
With you I could truly be myself,
though I might be feeling glum;
To my lap you would come.
When you looked into my eyes,
and smiled your tiny little smile,
nothing could I ever despise,
you gave me paradise for while.
What I never expected was your loss,
the way it would crush my core,
I never realized the very high cost,
of loving you, and you loving me more.
If I could turn back the minutes,
I would stretch out our six years;
that every moment would have you in it,
and I would shed very few tears.
But then, so clearly, I recall,
the way your lovely brown gaze,
would stop tears before they could fall,
and I know, though few be our days,
I treasure them each, one and all.
With time I will hold grief at bay,
memories will comfort, big and small,
I look forward to that brighter day.
As much as I miss you, sweet bunny,
I don't want to be brought to tears,
when I remember you being so funny;
I'd rather treasure those precious years.
I know that we shared a soul,
and of it you're still a part.
In some ways, I will always be whole,
with you as my bright, shining star.
One day, Jesus chose to take you,
because your job here was done,
but I know one thing to be true:
the distance between us is none.
You will always be beside me,
and I will keep dreaming of you,
I know those lovely brown eyes see,
You should know you still comfort me too.
These tears that I still shed now,
are not for losing my sweetest friend;
they are for knowing that, somehow,
my heart will yet heal and mend.
As long as I am loved by you,
I can never truly suffer or grieve,
our days together were too few,
but I know you would never really leave.
© Shenita Etwaroo
You are my endless sunshine,
I used to sing to you;
my bunny oh-so-fine,
and it is still very true.
When the sun rises in the sky,
I think of you in a better place,
when it sets I wonder why,
I can't look upon your face.
I know that Jesus has reasons,
that he gave you to me to heal,
that you were meant for only a season,
to teach me how love could feel.
Still it is hard to accept,
that you have risen so high,
at times I do sob and regret,
and at times I have to ask why.
But when these moments come,
I can feel your presence close,
and I feel that while I'm lonesome,
your whiskers still tickle my toes.
I see your fluffy soft fur,
above in clouds of white,
I hear your loving purr,
when I look at the sun so bright.
I know you're still my sunshine,
lighting my way from above;
I know your guidance is mine,
that I still have your love.
It can be hard to move onward,
but I know you want me to,
I can feel you nudging me forward,
to savor the sky so blue.
Your companionship was a blessing,
I am grateful for all we shared,
even while I am left guessing,
why I lost the one who cared.
Sometimes I still sing to you,
and wonder if you can hear;
I wonder if it could be true,
that you could still be near.
I sit and think of memories,
how you could bolt so fast,
how we shared so many stories,
and treasured the days that passed.
Sometimes I still sing to you,
I know that you can hear,
I know now that it is true,
that you are still so near.
I call out to you to play,
and I laugh as I recall your hop,
I still remember the way,
that your long ears would flop.
Yes, you are my sunshine,
I know you will always be,
you want all my moments in time
to be fulfilling, and happy.
In your honor, dear Neo,
I will look for the light,
even when it's too dark to know,
and I feel lost in the night.
I will strive to live once again,
with the joy you gave to me,
I am determined not to spend,
each day in pain, and lonely.
You taught me to discern,
who is really a friend;
let the rest of the bridges burn;
if a love causes death, let it end.
You taught me to believe,
that I deserve a love as bright,
as the sunshine for which I grieve,
and to which I still hold tight.
I know what it is to love,
and how a love should feel;
with you so high above,
Your light still helps me heal.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Angel By My Side
In the middle of the night,
I wake to the beat of my heart,
I know that you aren't in sight,
but also, we aren't far apart.
I feel your comfort here,
just beside me in the covers,
where you used to snuggle so near,
I know beside me you still hover.
My angel during your life,
you're my angel now as well,
I know that through all the strife,
and all of the tears that fell;
you were nestled close beside me,
your presence was soothing and warm,
I told you to go, to be free,
but your comfort around me still forms.
I used to tell you that I wouldn't leave behind,
I never thought I would feel the agony I felt,
or that I would be left here to grieve,
until my heart would so nearly burst.
But when Jesus called you to Him,
I could not argue or fight;
I knew that you would be safe,
with His gentle and loving light.
I struggle to understand,
why I had to say goodbye;
why I lost my very best friend,
so often I've just asked, why?
But then you always remind me,
that you are never far gone,
that you are my angel beside me,
always there to keep me strong.
I may wish you were present,
wrapped up in my arms and well,
but I know no cause for resentment;
there is no true reason to dwell.
There was a plan, I know,
dear Neo, my one true love,
a plan that may never show,
'til I join you in Heaven above.
But I trust there was a reason,
another role for you to fill,
and despite the moments of treason,
I know that it was His will.
Now when I lie in the dark,
I don't beg for your return;
I can still feel your living spark,
and the love that we shared burn.
We are connected, you and I,
a unity deep to our core,
the one thing I cannot deny,
of which I will always be sure.
It will never be truly goodbye,
because I know, deep inside,
with a love bigger than the sky,
you will always be by my side.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Paw Prints On My Heart
Paw prints are on my heart,
that will always be there,
no matter that we're apart,
I feel you everywhere.
Neo my little one,
I know that you are free,
I know that all that we did,
Is making you happy.
I sit back and think of you,
I travel in my mind,
I see how your smile grew,
at the pebbles I would find.
The old blankets that you chewed,
have turned into my treasures,
at the time it was a nuisance,
now the memory gives me great pleasure.
Even the simple tasks,
like folding laundry on the bed,
help me remember the past,
as our shared time fills my head.
You would lounge beside me,
watch my every move,
wait for the chance to be funny,
make sure the sheets were smooth.
Neo my dear friend
I still hear your thumps,
to this day just as clear,
as my heart's steady pumps.
You were by my side then,
you showed me when something seemed off,
and let me know foe from friend,
with a flop of your ears or a cough.
I know you're up there still,
watching over my day to day,
helping me to follow my will,
instead of just wasting away.
You inspired me to do more,
to see how far I could grow,
to try things I'd never done,
and learn things I didn't know.
When I had to leave you behind,
I looked forward to coming home,
because there within I would find,
the best bunny I'd ever known.
If you had the chance to be here,
I would trade anything for you,
alas I have only a tear,
and the final kiss I gave you.
I whisper my heartfelt prayer,
to God each and every night,
that Jesus is snuggling you there,
that you are still held so tight.
Though your time was not longer,
each moment was very sweet,
as you taught me to grow stronger,
that there was nothing I couldn't defeat.
Neo my dearest friend,
you opened my eyes to beauty,
for the first time I smiled,
when you first nuzzled against me.
Though many will not understand,
how deep our bond truly was,
whatever life has planned,
because of you I know love.
Let them talk and be cruel,
let them rush me to let go,
let them call me a fool,
I'm just sad that they'll never know.
They don't know what it's like to care,
for another, so true and deep,
to have a companion always there,
whom your heart will always keep.
Friends will come and go,
family makes their own choices,
but your love will always show,
that my heart still rejoices.
No matter the years that drift by,
no matter how time marches on,
I'll never doubt where or why,
my one true love has gone.
My true love is always near,
beloved in memory and soul,
a bunny with big floppy ears,
a friend who made me whole.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Guardian angel
My angel from the wild,
I will always miss you.
My sweet and precious child,
we lived together, and grew.
You are the best thing,
that's happened in my life,
you taught me to savor everything,
and leave behind my strife.
I hold you in my heart still,
though your body may be gone;
with your spirit my heart does fill,
reminding me to be strong.
You will never be replaced,
we grew close in so many ways;
I am grateful that you graced,
every one of my very best days.
It will be hard to move forward,
and in truth I may never recover,
but I know you would urge me toward
a bold new path for me to discover.
I will hold close everything you taught,
about true love, and peace,
about the inspiration that can be caught,
while watching clouds that never cease.
I will never forget the trust,
that you always placed in me,
or how my smile was a must,
when you wiggled your nose at me.
To some you were just a bunny,
but to me you were so much more,
you were charming and funny,
you showed me love I'd not known before.
My companion, my pal, my friend,
you and I found a way to have fun.
We'll have that chance, again,
when our separation is finally undone.
Your eyes were filled with love,
your beautiful self-shone through;
you eased each cloud above,
and reminded me of what was true.
When I felt lost or alone,
you would always share with me
the sweetest love I've ever known;
it pulled me from my misery.
If I did wrong, now and then,
you guided me in a loving direction,
and reminded me, again and again,
of your steadfast, undying affection.
In your eyes I could not do wrong;
you taught me to see beauty,
to know that I will always be strong,
and that in my heart I am free.
You always remind me to stop,
and to smell the beautiful flowers,
and with your eager bounce and hop,
you wielded your healing powers.
I ask Jesus to take you into his fold,
so that you will be at peace,
until you I once more might hold,
and feel some relief from this grief.
I pray you no longer know pain,
and that you will always be happy,
my loss is heaven's truest gain,
until once more it's just you and me.
Then Neo, we will be together,
not just for a season or a time,
then it will truly be forever,
with endless paths and hills to climb.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Dear Lord, accept my special friend
Whose time on Earth is done.
A beautiful and tender friend
Whose life had just begun.
They've left me alone too early, I feel
They scarcely had their chance.
I pray, dear Lord, to help them find
A bright new place to dance.
I'm grateful for what we did have
And thank you God for such.
I pray that they can be at ease
As I love them so very much.
I find that through you, Jesus Christ
My mind comes to some ease.
I know my prayers are heard by you
And that my friend is at peace.
Thank you once more for helping me
To get through these hard days.
Every night I’ll pray down on my knees
For Heaven’s morning rays.
© Shenita Etwaroo
See You Again
I saw you smile as I would laugh,
You were my cuddly, better half.
The only one of whom I was so fond,
Blinked just one time, and then you were gone.
Still, despite our home feeling vacant;
I know that I will surely make it,
Feeling you’re still by my side.
With every day, and every night,
'Til I join you in the sky,
I’ll be here, making you proud,
You can be my watchful eye,
Shining through between the clouds.
There’s silence as I make my rounds,
Still I hear your delightful sounds;
I see you here, heart so divine,
Those loving brown eyes meet with mine.
It’s what keeps my sorrows at bay, alas,
Stopping my heart from beating too fast.
'Til I join you in the sky,
I'll be here, making you proud,
You can be my watchful eye,
Shining through between the clouds.
It may seem like you're far away
But I know that you're here to stay…
'Til I join you in the sky,
I'll be here, making you proud;
You can be my watchful eye,
Shining through between the clouds.
© Shenita Etwaroo
In Memorial
I remember the day like it was yesterday;
Going to the pet store, optimistic, spontaneous,
And then I found you...
I knew right away that you were special.
I knew right away that you and I were meant for each other.
I took you home. I had a cage for you,
But I couldn’t keep you in there.
You weren’t just a pet…you were my baby…
Soon, you were my best friend.
From that first day our chemistry grew
We always seemed to link up together,
And while you were easy to deal with,
And I know that, at times, I was anything but,
It was still easy for you to deal with me.
I turned to you when I was sad
And anytime I was ill.
When I was in a silly mood, I’d sing to you;
You never made fun of me for my voice,
Regardless of how off-key I was.
I LOVED to play with you,
And you loved it even more.
I enjoyed giving you your “babylicious” nicknames,
And your affectionate responses when hearing them,
You never wanted me to leave in the morning,
And acted as if I was gone for years when I returned;
You were SO happy to see me back with you;
As was I, each and every day,
You know how much I love you,
As I reminded you, day-in and day-out.
But I feel as if I could tell you a million times more.
I think I actually love you more than you love food!
You always made sure I was safe,
And you let me know when something was wrong.
When I didn’t accept your warnings at first,
You always wound up being right in the end.
I’m forever thankful for your help,
and for your guidance,
I was in pain when I was sick
But I suffered more when you were:
I never wanted you to struggle,
I never wanted you to leave.
But now I know, you’re no longer in pain,
You're in Heaven, your sickness at an end,
That makes me the happiest person on earth.
It’s amazing to know you’re with God,
Hopping around, grinding your teeth.
I further exceed my own joy, knowing even more:
That I too will soon get to be in heaven,
I, too, will be able to be happy…
Happy to be with God, my troubles ended.
And happy to be with you, Neo.
© Shenita Etwaroo
From time to time, we lose someone
And fear they've gone away.
We search all around but never do find
A way to make them stay.
Often we wonder where we went wrong
And what more we might have done.
We seek the message inside a song
A search that's never won.
It's always hard to say goodbye
When we're not ready yet.
Our thoughts bring many tears to our eyes
Because we can't forget.
It's well for us, when a friend moves on
After their life is lived.
That Heaven has a place to form a bond
Where there's even more to give.
When you lose your friend be sure to know
They’re in a better place.
Where they still can thrive and still can grow
While filled with peace and grace.
So, whenever you are feeling down
And times are getting hard.
Know that your friends are waiting for you
Way up there, above the stars.
© Shenita Etwaroo
I Will Always Love You
I will always love the way you smelled like sweet vanilla bliss,
The way you’d grind your bunny teeth, and share a bunny kiss.
I will always love how you could dry my eyes when I was down,
You knew just the touch I'd need, to vanish my every frown.
I will always love how you gave me hope, whenever I was ill,
When my life was looking grim, you gave me some extra thrill.
I will always love how you were there, even when I was wrong,
I had made some bad decisions, but you were never mad for long.
I will always love the memory of when we first linked eyes;
From right then I knew we’d be a match, with very special ties.
I will always love your selflessness, yet how you stuck around,
When I felt my feet were losing grip, you kept them on the ground.
I will always love how you would wait for me to return home,
And when I appeared you would act as though I'd just taken a throne.
Such a tiny friend, with such a true heart, one larger than more than a few,I will always cherish the fact that you graced my life with your beautiful presence.
© Shenita Etwaroo
The Voices That Cannot Speak
If you had the chance to hear them
Would they be asking you why?
Would they want to know what they did wrong:
Why they deserve to die?
If you had the chance to hear them
Would they tell you they’re in pain?
Being taken in this awful way
Is cruelty ever sane?
Some may feel these animals may pass
For food, or even fur
But can there be any explanation
As torture occurs?
Every day innocent animals
Are taken from their grace
No concern about their comfort
Just tossed all over the place
Have you ever had a pet yourself
Someone you called your own?
Would it be acceptable for one
To take them from your home?
Think about how your own pet would feel
Or any you may know
Think about what they would say to you
Before they were to go
If these voices could speak to us now
They might apologize
Though not knowing what they did was wrong
Through sadness in their eyes.
© Shenita Etwaroo
These Eyes Tell the Story
If we see ourselves as living beings
Things are quite straightforward seeing
Yet our neighbors right beside us feel
The bias in this whole ordeal
All animals exist in life
But we commit to bring a knife
Such tragic slicing, with no buffer
We observe as creatures suffer
Can we see ourselves in place
To be dissected, head to waist
Does it make one feel awful when
They put themselves in that spot then?
It sounds absurd because it is
It’s simply evil to dismiss
All righteousness we've had since birth
We’re taught to love all on the earth
Infinite ways to test our drugs
Replace those knives with little hugs
We don’t need any sacrifice
Instead some ears to hear advice
We need to keep all life alive
And find new methods to survive
No vivisection’s life or death
So let’s give them another breath.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Soft and warm as you snuggled close,
I could tell you every thought,
Or I could just nuzzle your precious nose.
Unconditional love is what you taught.
Friends come in all shapes and sizes,
it just so happened that my best friend
was covered in fur and full of surprises.
Neo, you brought joy to my life that will never end.
With you as my inspiration,
my life changed in so many ways,
and that same inspiration,
is something that throughout life will stay.
My memory of you
keeps my heart from breaking,
but having to say goodbye to you,
leaves the ground beneath me quaking.
I only wanted you,
and I think you chose me too;
You were the best,
better than the rest!
When I first laid eyes on you,
there was no question by far,
with certainty I knew,
that you would always be my shining star.
Now I know that you are still with me,
my companion ever at my side,
but even that clarity
doesn't stop the grief I feel inside.
With a little bit of time,
and a whole lot of healing,
I know that I'll feel your paw in mine,
and my heart you'll still be stealing.
As I shed yet another tear,
it's hard for me to think of another instant,
without you curled near,
I know our separation will not be constant.
We will be together in the end
and until that moment arrives,
I will always remember you, my beloved friend,
until then please know every tear shed by my eyes,
is filled with unending gratitude,
that a beautiful animal, small in size,
could have such an impact on my attitude.
I will remember the happy times,
the nuzzles and the snuggles;
I will remember just how fine
it was to share your cuddles.
Whenever I feel sad,
I will look up at the sky so far,
and know that you will always be,
my precious, shining star.
Thank you for the times we shared,
thank you for the love you gave,
thank you for the way you cared,
thank you for the memories I will save.
Thank you for being the most beautiful fur baby
that I have ever known,
thank you, Neo, for choosing me,
and the unconditional love you've shown.
© Shenita Etwaroo
so carefully and so tight,
I drifted endlessly from day,
impossibly to night.
I tried to accept my misery,
as the only life I've ever known.
Though I didn't allow myself to hope,
though I told myself not to believe,
as it was the only way I could cope,
I still found myself having to grieve.
No matter how I tried to protect
from the pain and hurt I've faced,
never giving anyone the opportunity to reject,
I still longed so deeply to be embraced.
Wistful and lost I called to you,
without ever knowing your name,
I didn't dare to think it could be true,
but still, against all odds, you came.
With a key to the prison I created,
you unlocked all that I am and could be,
with a love that must have been fated,
finally shared between you and me.
You became my haven,
in which I could finally rest,
and forget all that I might have mistaken
for being for my best.
Now I know better because of you,
the angel by my side,
now I know that love so true
is something that can’t never hide.
For every wish I ever made,
you are my shining star,
I know our joy will never fade,
No longer alone, you are never far.
You turned my stormy night,
into an endless sunny day,
you turned my darkness into light,
and I am grateful in every single way.
Thank you for easing my pain,
thank you for unlocking my soul,
thank you for all that I gain,
when your loving presence makes me whole.
that burns through the night.
Even when the rain falls,
It can't get through these walls.
It's a flame that is strong,
and it will burn bright and long,
even when the wind gusts,
my lamp still shines as it must.
The wandering storm that approaches,
rages and rolls as it broaches,
but not even its lightning can strike down my light,
not even its thunder can silence love's might.
This love is a chain,
formed of links that withstand pain.
This love cannot break,
no matter the pressure it is forced to take.
The lamp and the burning flame inside,
is formed of every tear I've ever cried.
It is formed with every cell of my being,
and every dream that I'm still seeing.
It shed its light for you,
and burned for both of us true.
You were there, you were always there,
when what I needed most was your care.
Not matter how hot my love flamed,
you were always shining, sparkling, never ashamed.
Your love became part of the light inside my lamp,
that nothing could ever completely stamp.
Even when the thunder began to roll,
and the raging storm took its toll,
even when from me you were stole,
I know that my flame is still whole.
Because no matter what the storm brings,
no matter how fierce the thunder sings,
my love is this lamp shining bright,
my love is every day and every night.
Though you are not with me,
you can never leave me,
though I grieve you,
I can never be without you.
We are one,
a kinship that can never be done,
my lamp shelters your love,
as it shelters my love,
and it burns, and it burns, and it burns.
but it was still breaking.
I yearned for a special kind of light,
that would make a risk worth taking.
In my hour of need,
I turned to God above,
I whispered my plead,
to once again feel love.
Like a feather on the wind,
you brushed against my heart,
and asked to be let in,
to let the flow of love once again start.
Suddenly my world was filled with light,
warm, guiding, and offered unconditionally,
your light, shining and shimmering so bright,
through the darkness I could finally see.
I opened my eyes,
and bore my soul,
because against all odds love defies,
and strives to heal and make whole.
The moment you came into my life,
I no longer had burdens upon me,
and despite all of my past strife,
I was finally able to be free.
I begged God for you,
when I felt so alone,
and with love so true,
you are the best gift I've ever known.
How can I complain,
about the trials that come,
about the thunder or the rain,
when all my loneliness is done.
Whatever may unfold,
I can greet it with a smile,
because in my heart your love I hold,
it carries me through mile after mile.
The tears I once shed,
seem distant and foreign,
since the prayer that I said,
has let me let you in.
In moments of crisis and uncertainty,
when justice is far from my view,
all it takes is your love to remind me,
that the world has become brand new.
Now I walk bravely with my head held high,
now I am grateful for the ground beneath my feet,
now when there is a dark and gloomy sky,
I still feel safe and complete.
Let the thorns pierce my skin,
let the storms rage through,
let the emotions rumble within,
as long as I have you to turn to.
There is no longer a plead to make,
as I have been fulfilled,
by a love that will never shake,
a love that God mercifully willed.
Intentions are no good.
Rain comes in masses beyond imagine
Each drop in search of saturation
It’s goal to oust the flame.
Rain comes in storms, with gusts of wind
So strong, and always certain.
Its goal to extinguish all light
To end all luminosity.
But love maintains its magic.
My love is the authentic brand,
Most durable of all.
This lantern is my lamp of love
Ignited by my heart
Immortal as long as you breathe.
The flames move with my blood as one
A cackle for each cell.
Though thunder never shows demise
Our bond weathers the storm.
Our chain is just too strong.
Like lightning’s path, ever so distant
Still we hold together.
A world in which there is no calm
Yet we can find our own.
Our flame burns on eternally.
My heart engaged a new intrusion
Inside my feelings stayed so hidden.
Outside knew no quarrel.
God was never at the blame,
Through pain, my pain remained inside
My secret’s safety bound by laughter.
Flowers wounded my arise
And I embraced each thorn with such.
With beauty must come a price
Oh, such a price to pay.
But when I raised my hands in prayers
Knees rooted like my mind
No hesitation, despite all
I still begged God for you!
I didn't dream of what was to come,
my dreams were always wild,
nightmares of where I had come from.
When I was a child crying each day,
I didn't know to wish or to hope,
to close my eyes and pray,
I only struggled to find a way to cope.
I heard the screaming,
as it carried through my home,
I heard his lying and scheming,
as his interest did roam.
I heard her fury as it rose within,
she wasn't strong enough,
to fight back against him,
but her little girl wasn't so tough.
seemed to stir up rage,
and even though I shivered and shook,
I was still the one locked in a cage.
With only my pillow to hang on to,
and love only animals could give,
my body struggled but it still grew,
it was foolish enough to want to live.
I didn't ask to be born,
to be riddled with pain from day one,
I didn't expect to be faced with scorn,
and wish my life was done.
But there was nothing but pain around me,
at home, at school, it didn't matter,
and as the cruelty continued to surround me,
I just wanted an escape,
a chance to finally feel safe,
to be away from the endless hate,
I had no concept of faith.
It was surrender, the only mercy I knew,
and I wanted a chance to be free,
of all of the torture that in my home did brew,
of all the tumult and misery.
In my mind love had to be earned,
so I did my very best to be good,
and hoped I would finally be understood.
But all of my efforts were met,
with a blind eye,
and I soon came to regret,
the fact that I even bothered to try.
I was ready to give up and end it all,
but for all the love I wasn't shown,
that didn't stop a child so small,
from being the purest love ever known.
It was born in me,
to be a light,
it was born in me,
to find a way to delight,
even if it took me years,
even if it took me longer,
even if took me millions of tears,
even if I was forced to be stronger.
I surrounded myself with friends,
who shared my knowing of love as truth,
and my heart did heal and mend,
because of the pets I have now and had in my youth.
Now I make it my goal,
to help others who are alone,
whose life has taken a toll,
on the love they have always instinctively known.
If I can heal one heart,
with the knowledge I have gained,
then I will know even from the start,
It was worth every bit of my pain.
I will love more fierce,
than any power they had over me,
and my love will pierce,
every ounce of their misery.
You didn't win,
even with all the suffering you were designing,
I was always hidden deep within,
and now finally I'm here and shining.
by form or name,
true friendship is the kind,
that leaves you never the same.
I made the mistake,
of giving out my trust to others
who only wanted to mock,
who pretended to care.
It was a terrible time for me,
until my angel came into my life,
an animal whose love set me free,
and eased all of my strife.
Others might say,
that a pet can't be a friend,
but the love shown to me,
was the only way I could mend.
Even when I met others,
who pretended to care,
my angel loved me like no other,
and when my heart broke she was there.
I never knew that I could be,
loved without being judged,
I never knew that I was worthy,
of being cared for without a grudge.
But this fine animal in my arms,
taught me that I deserved so much more,
that love shouldn't ever cause harm,
and that I had never truly been loved before.
My world opened and became whole,
with her by my side,
I finally got to know my soul,
and who I was inside.
When the tragedy arose,
when I was forced to say goodbye,
I grieved a love that no one knows,
no one understands the tears I still cry.
The people who claimed to care,
turned against me yet again,
it wasn't right and it wasn't fair,
that I had lost my only friend.
But I learned so much,
from the time she spent with me,
and even though I no longer have her touch,
I will always have her memory.
All the things she helped me to learn,
about love and life and joy,
in my heart these things still burn,
they are treasure that nothing can destroy.
Despite the hurt I was forced to endure,
from the hateful words of others,
I now am strong and absolutely sure,
that I deserve love as do others.
Because of my angel's presence,
though it was far too short a time,
I've been helping others ever since,
to know real love, a love like mine.
it still echoes through me,
even though the past has stopped mattering,
and I have finally escaped your misery.
Still I hear it break…
I hear the shattering of my heart,
I hear the abuse I was made to take,
I hear the sorrow I endured from the start.
I hear the shattering of broken bones,
of what happens when a body hits the floor,
of the saddest cries and deepest moans,
of what happens when you can't walk out the door.
I hear the shattering of my soul,
as I hid beneath my bed,
and prayed for my life to be whole,
instead of slashed into bits and shreds.
Moments that became dark memories,
displaced and disjointed,
as the horrors became secret stories,
and fingers were never allowed to be pointed.
Please help me, gentle hands,
please soothe this pain away,
because I don't understand,
why this is my life day to day.
But the softest hands in my life,
did nothing but harm,
they only deepened my strife,
with a hatred that I couldn't disarm.
I needed some safety,
a place to hide and breathe,
a place to heal and grieve.
But I didn't know what love looked like,
because the tears in my eyes left me blind,
and I chose the wrong path to hike,
and found myself in a brand new bind.
Soft hands, please save me,
please teach me to be adored,
please end this sad sad story,
and leave me feeling comforted and assured.
Instead those soft hands hurt me more,
under the guise of the imitation of love,
it shattered me in a way I never had before,
and I was left begging for mercy from above.
As the tears spilled down my cheeks,
and my soul cried out for sweet release,
I prayed one last time for what the heart seeks,
despite the bitterness that had become my beliefs.
In the darkness that became my breath and skin,
I suddenly witnessed a streak of light,
that wakened the dormant soul within,
and taught me that things really could be right.
My angels, more beautiful than any known,
with hands so soft and gentle and warm,
healed my shattered heart and shattered bone,
around me their love and compassion did swarm
I learned finally that I was not to blame,
that I had done nothing so terribly wrong,
and though I might never be the same,
my hurts could become what made me strong.
With love so determined and endless pride,
I blossomed beneath their soft hands,
as I became who I always was inside,
and found the strength on which to stand.
I was born into a world shattered,
into chaos and hatred and misery,
but finally someone showed me that I mattered,
and finally I learned that I truly could be free.
there is enough love,
to reach from sea to sea,
from the ground to the sky above.
In this world there is plenty to share,
no reason for war, no reason for hate,
and every being have arms that care,
harmony and wholeness are our fate.
This the world that I see,
when I close my eyes,
to block out the misery,
of a world of hatred and lies.
A world where the gentle hearted
are punished for their affection,
a world where families are parted,
and no one bothers to pay attention.
In the world I wish I did not see,
all pure things are broken,
by unrelenting cruelty,
and acts that remain unspoken.
Those that love unconditionally,
animals or people who care,
are faced with endless tragedy,
with only the solace of prayer.
It baffles the mind,
to think that anyone could destroy,
what is so warm and kind,
what only seeks to bring joy.
But time and time again,
those that hate seek to harm,
and in the end,
they disguise it with wit and charm.
When I close my eyes,
I see that beautiful place,
where all of the hurt and the lies,
has been permanently erased.
Here there is only hope,
and the chance to love one another,
there is no need to cope,
no hurt from which to recover.
Instead those born to love,
are allowed to roam and be free,
from the ground to the sky above,
from sea to beautiful sea.
But I never keep my eyes closed long,
as beautiful as it may seem,
I know I must be strong,
I must not be lost in my dream.
Instead of drifting away to a safe place,
I must pour my love from my heart,
so that one day that world will occupy this space,
and finally we will all be given a loving start.
No more strikes will fall,
on backs never meant to be broken,
no more dirty cages or tiny stalls,
no more abuse and secrets left unspoken.
No more lost and lonely,
wandering the streets alone,
no more unfathomable tragedy,
no more left without a home.
One day I will open my eyes,
and that beautiful world I long to see,
will be what before me lies,
from ground to sky, an sea to sea.
sometimes you have to look,
past all of the difficulties with which you cope,
and all of the wrong turns you took.
But there is always reason to smile,
sometimes you have to wade through,
the pain that follows you mile after mile,
but the joy inside of you is still very true.
There is always reason to believe,
no matter how many times you've hit the ground,
no matter how many losses you may grieve,
there's always a new path to be found.
Take a moment to breathe,
take a moment to remember,
choose what to take and what to leave,
one experience is not forever.
Look for the light,
in your own eyes,
look for an excuse to delight,
savor the bluest skies.
When you come to see,
that giving up is not a choice,
you can rise above your misery,
and begin to rejoice.
One foot in front of the other,
will lead you to new opportunities,
one, and then another,
each day full of new journeys.
There will always be a new friend to meet,
there will always be a new sunrise to see,
listen to the sound of your own heartbeat,
follow its rhythm and set yourself free.
Each day is your gift,
given to you to use as you will,
will your spirit fall or lift,
how will your spirit be fulfilled?
Take this day,
and make it belong only to you,
find a new way,
to paint your sky blue.
Never give up, never give in,
because there's always another day,
there's always another dream within,
and there's always a brand new way.
For these callous people,whose obdurate hands will cripple,and divide body into parts—don't they have any hearts? To feel leniency on my soft skin,Through which they will inject in,chemicals, and poisons to test,for redundant things, they crush my chest.
They lead us to neurotic behavior;from intense stress, they give no savior.To stop this brutal practice en masse,Or to lead us to a way out, or passage, Through these small and murky cages,Within which I've spent my ages,Until you are with me, I can only cry,For when the cage opens, it's my turn to die.
Laughing and playing, and living care-free,
Breathing in freedom, with essence of green lushes,
Crawling all over, and under the trees,
Now, for too many, it is only a dream,
As one can only hear their pain, and their screams,
When they're strung upside-down and skinned alive,
Required to feel every stroke of the knife
While their skins are peeled from their body, like threads,
And crudely smashed to the wall are their heads,
While some of them still cling to life,
Gasping their way through the pain of the knife,
Even after their skins are removed,
The slaughterer's heart is never moved.
While their furs are shipped off through boats,
To be worn on the town as hats or as coats,
To serve up fashionable wintertime trends,
The cycle of pain never truly ends,
For the pups who still lie waiting in the cage,
Safely secured from the public outrage.
Unheard are all of the agonized cries,
Filling the ears of the worst sort of man,
Wasteful are all of the countless tries,
To fight for their freedom, however they can.
Still, at the end, a slim hope sustains them,
That there might at least be a single stem,
From which will come some person with heart,
To end all the smashing, the being torn apart,
Someone who will rise above those of small mind,
and open the eyes which have thereto been blind,
or at the very least, put an end to fur fashion,
And spread wide their voice with some compassion.
with such love and affection,
always prepared to comfort me,
though I might not be paying attention.
The warmth of your cuddly body,
filled me with joy I hadn't known;
as your little teeth ground softly,
to me a real love was truly shown.
You loved without judging my flaws,
with no expectations in return,
with a gentle push of your paws,
and a smile that only I could discern.
My sweet Neo, you knew me better,
than any human heart ever seemed to,
the time that we spent together,
was the one part of my life that seemed true.
With you I could truly be myself,
though I might be feeling glum;
To my lap you would come.
When you looked into my eyes,
and smiled your tiny little smile,
nothing could I ever despise,
you gave me paradise for while.
What I never expected was your loss,
the way it would crush my core,
I never realized the very high cost,
of loving you, and you loving me more.
If I could turn back the minutes,
I would stretch out our six years;
that every moment would have you in it,
and I would shed very few tears.
But then, so clearly, I recall,
the way your lovely brown gaze,
would stop tears before they could fall,
and I know, though few be our days,
I treasure them each, one and all.
With time I will hold grief at bay,
memories will comfort, big and small,
I look forward to that brighter day.
As much as I miss you, sweet bunny,
I don't want to be brought to tears,
when I remember you being so funny;
I'd rather treasure those precious years.
I know that we shared a soul,
and of it you're still a part.
In some ways, I will always be whole,
with you as my bright, shining star.
One day, Jesus chose to take you,
because your job here was done,
but I know one thing to be true:
the distance between us is none.
You will always be beside me,
and I will keep dreaming of you,
I know those lovely brown eyes see,
You should know you still comfort me too.
These tears that I still shed now,
are not for losing my sweetest friend;
they are for knowing that, somehow,
my heart will yet heal and mend.
As long as I am loved by you,
I can never truly suffer or grieve,
our days together were too few,
but I know you would never really leave.
I used to sing to you;
my bunny oh-so-fine,
and it is still very true.
When the sun rises in the sky,
I think of you in a better place,
when it sets I wonder why,
I can't look upon your face.
I know that Jesus has reasons,
that he gave you to me to heal,
that you were meant for only a season,
to teach me how love could feel.
Still it is hard to accept,
that you have risen so high,
at times I do sob and regret,
and at times I have to ask why.
But when these moments come,
I can feel your presence close,
and I feel that while I'm lonesome,
your whiskers still tickle my toes.
I see your fluffy soft fur,
above in clouds of white,
I hear your loving purr,
when I look at the sun so bright.
I know you're still my sunshine,
lighting my way from above;
I know your guidance is mine,
that I still have your love.
It can be hard to move onward,
but I know you want me to,
I can feel you nudging me forward,
to savor the sky so blue.
Your companionship was a blessing,
I am grateful for all we shared,
even while I am left guessing,
why I lost the one who cared.
Sometimes I still sing to you,
and wonder if you can hear;
I wonder if it could be true,
that you could still be near.
I sit and think of memories,
how you could bolt so fast,
how we shared so many stories,
and treasured the days that passed.
Sometimes I still sing to you,
I know that you can hear,
I know now that it is true,
that you are still so near.
I call out to you to play,
and I laugh as I recall your hop,
I still remember the way,
that your long ears would flop.
Yes, you are my sunshine,
I know you will always be,
you want all my moments in time
to be fulfilling, and happy.
In your honor, dear Neo,
I will look for the light,
even when it's too dark to know,
and I feel lost in the night.
I will strive to live once again,
with the joy you gave to me,
I am determined not to spend,
each day in pain, and lonely.
You taught me to discern,
who is really a friend;
let the rest of the bridges burn;
if a love causes death, let it end.
You taught me to believe,
that I deserve a love as bright,
as the sunshine for which I grieve,
and to which I still hold tight.
I know what it is to love,
and how a love should feel;
with you so high above,
Your light still helps me heal.
I wake to the beat of my heart,
I know that you aren't in sight,
but also, we aren't far apart.
I feel your comfort here,
just beside me in the covers,
where you used to snuggle so near,
I know beside me you still hover.
My angel during your life,
you're my angel now as well,
I know that through all the strife,
and all of the tears that fell;
you were nestled close beside me,
your presence was soothing and warm,
I told you to go, to be free,
but your comfort around me still forms.
I used to tell you that I wouldn't leave behind,
I never thought I would feel the agony I felt,
or that I would be left here to grieve,
until my heart would so nearly burst.
But when Jesus called you to Him,
I could not argue or fight;
I knew that you would be safe,
with His gentle and loving light.
I struggle to understand,
why I had to say goodbye;
why I lost my very best friend,
so often I've just asked, why?
But then you always remind me,
that you are never far gone,
that you are my angel beside me,
always there to keep me strong.
I may wish you were present,
wrapped up in my arms and well,
but I know no cause for resentment;
there is no true reason to dwell.
There was a plan, I know,
dear Neo, my one true love,
a plan that may never show,
'til I join you in Heaven above.
But I trust there was a reason,
another role for you to fill,
and despite the moments of treason,
I know that it was His will.
Now when I lie in the dark,
I don't beg for your return;
I can still feel your living spark,
and the love that we shared burn.
We are connected, you and I,
a unity deep to our core,
the one thing I cannot deny,
of which I will always be sure.
It will never be truly goodbye,
because I know, deep inside,
with a love bigger than the sky,
you will always be by my side.
that will always be there,
no matter that we're apart,
I feel you everywhere.
Neo my little one,
I know that you are free,
I know that all that we did,
Is making you happy.
I sit back and think of you,
I travel in my mind,
I see how your smile grew,
at the pebbles I would find.
The old blankets that you chewed,
have turned into my treasures,
at the time it was a nuisance,
now the memory gives me great pleasure.
Even the simple tasks,
like folding laundry on the bed,
help me remember the past,
as our shared time fills my head.
You would lounge beside me,
watch my every move,
wait for the chance to be funny,
make sure the sheets were smooth.
Neo my dear friend
I still hear your thumps,
to this day just as clear,
as my heart's steady pumps.
You were by my side then,
you showed me when something seemed off,
and let me know foe from friend,
with a flop of your ears or a cough.
I know you're up there still,
watching over my day to day,
helping me to follow my will,
instead of just wasting away.
You inspired me to do more,
to see how far I could grow,
to try things I'd never done,
and learn things I didn't know.
When I had to leave you behind,
I looked forward to coming home,
because there within I would find,
the best bunny I'd ever known.
If you had the chance to be here,
I would trade anything for you,
alas I have only a tear,
and the final kiss I gave you.
I whisper my heartfelt prayer,
to God each and every night,
that Jesus is snuggling you there,
that you are still held so tight.
Though your time was not longer,
each moment was very sweet,
as you taught me to grow stronger,
that there was nothing I couldn't defeat.
Neo my dearest friend,
you opened my eyes to beauty,
for the first time I smiled,
when you first nuzzled against me.
Though many will not understand,
how deep our bond truly was,
whatever life has planned,
because of you I know love.
Let them talk and be cruel,
let them rush me to let go,
let them call me a fool,
I'm just sad that they'll never know.
They don't know what it's like to care,
for another, so true and deep,
to have a companion always there,
whom your heart will always keep.
Friends will come and go,
family makes their own choices,
but your love will always show,
that my heart still rejoices.
No matter the years that drift by,
no matter how time marches on,
I'll never doubt where or why,
my one true love has gone.
My true love is always near,
beloved in memory and soul,
a bunny with big floppy ears,
a friend who made me whole.
I will always miss you.
My sweet and precious child,
we lived together, and grew.
You are the best thing,
that's happened in my life,
you taught me to savor everything,
and leave behind my strife.
I hold you in my heart still,
though your body may be gone;
with your spirit my heart does fill,
reminding me to be strong.
You will never be replaced,
we grew close in so many ways;
I am grateful that you graced,
every one of my very best days.
It will be hard to move forward,
and in truth I may never recover,
but I know you would urge me toward
a bold new path for me to discover.
I will hold close everything you taught,
about true love, and peace,
about the inspiration that can be caught,
while watching clouds that never cease.
I will never forget the trust,
that you always placed in me,
or how my smile was a must,
when you wiggled your nose at me.
To some you were just a bunny,
but to me you were so much more,
you were charming and funny,
you showed me love I'd not known before.
My companion, my pal, my friend,
you and I found a way to have fun.
We'll have that chance, again,
when our separation is finally undone.
Your eyes were filled with love,
your beautiful self-shone through;
you eased each cloud above,
and reminded me of what was true.
When I felt lost or alone,
you would always share with me
the sweetest love I've ever known;
it pulled me from my misery.
If I did wrong, now and then,
you guided me in a loving direction,
and reminded me, again and again,
of your steadfast, undying affection.
In your eyes I could not do wrong;
you taught me to see beauty,
to know that I will always be strong,
and that in my heart I am free.
You always remind me to stop,
and to smell the beautiful flowers,
and with your eager bounce and hop,
you wielded your healing powers.
I ask Jesus to take you into his fold,
so that you will be at peace,
until you I once more might hold,
and feel some relief from this grief.
I pray you no longer know pain,
and that you will always be happy,
my loss is heaven's truest gain,
until once more it's just you and me.
Then Neo, we will be together,
not just for a season or a time,
then it will truly be forever,
with endless paths and hills to climb.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Whose time on Earth is done.
A beautiful and tender friend
Whose life had just begun.
They've left me alone too early, I feel
They scarcely had their chance.
I pray, dear Lord, to help them find
A bright new place to dance.
I'm grateful for what we did have
And thank you God for such.
I pray that they can be at ease
As I love them so very much.
I find that through you, Jesus Christ
My mind comes to some ease.
I know my prayers are heard by you
And that my friend is at peace.
Thank you once more for helping me
To get through these hard days.
Every night I’ll pray down on my knees
For Heaven’s morning rays.
You were my cuddly, better half.
The only one of whom I was so fond,
Blinked just one time, and then you were gone.
Still, despite our home feeling vacant;
I know that I will surely make it,
Feeling you’re still by my side.
With every day, and every night,
'Til I join you in the sky,
I’ll be here, making you proud,
You can be my watchful eye,
Shining through between the clouds.
There’s silence as I make my rounds,
Still I hear your delightful sounds;
I see you here, heart so divine,
Those loving brown eyes meet with mine.
It’s what keeps my sorrows at bay, alas,
Stopping my heart from beating too fast.
'Til I join you in the sky,
I'll be here, making you proud,
You can be my watchful eye,
Shining through between the clouds.
It may seem like you're far away
But I know that you're here to stay…
'Til I join you in the sky,
I'll be here, making you proud;
You can be my watchful eye,
Shining through between the clouds.
Going to the pet store, optimistic, spontaneous,
And then I found you...
I knew right away that you were special.
I knew right away that you and I were meant for each other.
I took you home. I had a cage for you,
But I couldn’t keep you in there.
You weren’t just a pet…you were my baby…
Soon, you were my best friend.
From that first day our chemistry grew
We always seemed to link up together,
And while you were easy to deal with,
And I know that, at times, I was anything but,
It was still easy for you to deal with me.
I turned to you when I was sad
And anytime I was ill.
When I was in a silly mood, I’d sing to you;
You never made fun of me for my voice,
Regardless of how off-key I was.
I LOVED to play with you,
And you loved it even more.
I enjoyed giving you your “babylicious” nicknames,
And your affectionate responses when hearing them,
You never wanted me to leave in the morning,
And acted as if I was gone for years when I returned;
You were SO happy to see me back with you;
As was I, each and every day,
You know how much I love you,
As I reminded you, day-in and day-out.
But I feel as if I could tell you a million times more.
I think I actually love you more than you love food!
You always made sure I was safe,
And you let me know when something was wrong.
When I didn’t accept your warnings at first,
You always wound up being right in the end.
I’m forever thankful for your help,
and for your guidance,
I was in pain when I was sick
But I suffered more when you were:
I never wanted you to struggle,
I never wanted you to leave.
But now I know, you’re no longer in pain,
You're in Heaven, your sickness at an end,
That makes me the happiest person on earth.
It’s amazing to know you’re with God,
Hopping around, grinding your teeth.
I further exceed my own joy, knowing even more:
That I too will soon get to be in heaven,
I, too, will be able to be happy…
Happy to be with God, my troubles ended.
And happy to be with you, Neo.
And fear they've gone away.
We search all around but never do find
A way to make them stay.
Often we wonder where we went wrong
And what more we might have done.
We seek the message inside a song
A search that's never won.
It's always hard to say goodbye
When we're not ready yet.
Our thoughts bring many tears to our eyes
Because we can't forget.
It's well for us, when a friend moves on
After their life is lived.
That Heaven has a place to form a bond
Where there's even more to give.
When you lose your friend be sure to know
They’re in a better place.
Where they still can thrive and still can grow
While filled with peace and grace.
So, whenever you are feeling down
And times are getting hard.
Know that your friends are waiting for you
Way up there, above the stars.
The way you’d grind your bunny teeth, and share a bunny kiss.
I will always love how you could dry my eyes when I was down,
You knew just the touch I'd need, to vanish my every frown.
I will always love how you gave me hope, whenever I was ill,
When my life was looking grim, you gave me some extra thrill.
I will always love how you were there, even when I was wrong,
I had made some bad decisions, but you were never mad for long.
I will always love the memory of when we first linked eyes;
From right then I knew we’d be a match, with very special ties.
I will always love your selflessness, yet how you stuck around,
When I felt my feet were losing grip, you kept them on the ground.
I will always love how you would wait for me to return home,
And when I appeared you would act as though I'd just taken a throne.
Such a tiny friend, with such a true heart, one larger than more than a few,I will always cherish the fact that you graced my life with your beautiful presence.
Would they be asking you why?
Would they want to know what they did wrong:
Why they deserve to die?
If you had the chance to hear them
Would they tell you they’re in pain?
Being taken in this awful way
Is cruelty ever sane?
Some may feel these animals may pass
For food, or even fur
But can there be any explanation
As torture occurs?
Every day innocent animals
Are taken from their grace
No concern about their comfort
Just tossed all over the place
Have you ever had a pet yourself
Someone you called your own?
Would it be acceptable for one
To take them from your home?
Think about how your own pet would feel
Or any you may know
Think about what they would say to you
Before they were to go
If these voices could speak to us now
They might apologize
Though not knowing what they did was wrong
Through sadness in their eyes.
Things are quite straightforward seeing
Yet our neighbors right beside us feel
The bias in this whole ordeal
All animals exist in life
But we commit to bring a knife
Such tragic slicing, with no buffer
We observe as creatures suffer
Can we see ourselves in place
To be dissected, head to waist
Does it make one feel awful when
They put themselves in that spot then?
It sounds absurd because it is
It’s simply evil to dismiss
All righteousness we've had since birth
We’re taught to love all on the earth
Infinite ways to test our drugs
Replace those knives with little hugs
We don’t need any sacrifice
Instead some ears to hear advice
We need to keep all life alive
And find new methods to survive
No vivisection’s life or death
So let’s give them another breath.
I could tell you every thought,
Or I could just nuzzle your precious nose.
Unconditional love is what you taught.
Friends come in all shapes and sizes,
it just so happened that my best friend
was covered in fur and full of surprises.
Neo, you brought joy to my life that will never end.
With you as my inspiration,
my life changed in so many ways,
and that same inspiration,
is something that throughout life will stay.
My memory of you
keeps my heart from breaking,
but having to say goodbye to you,
leaves the ground beneath me quaking.
I only wanted you,
and I think you chose me too;
You were the best,
better than the rest!
When I first laid eyes on you,
there was no question by far,
with certainty I knew,
that you would always be my shining star.
Now I know that you are still with me,
my companion ever at my side,
but even that clarity
doesn't stop the grief I feel inside.
With a little bit of time,
and a whole lot of healing,
I know that I'll feel your paw in mine,
and my heart you'll still be stealing.
As I shed yet another tear,
it's hard for me to think of another instant,
without you curled near,
I know our separation will not be constant.
We will be together in the end
and until that moment arrives,
I will always remember you, my beloved friend,
until then please know every tear shed by my eyes,
is filled with unending gratitude,
that a beautiful animal, small in size,
could have such an impact on my attitude.
I will remember the happy times,
the nuzzles and the snuggles;
I will remember just how fine
it was to share your cuddles.
Whenever I feel sad,
I will look up at the sky so far,
and know that you will always be,
my precious, shining star.
Thank you for the times we shared,
thank you for the love you gave,
thank you for the way you cared,
thank you for the memories I will save.
Thank you for being the most beautiful fur baby
that I have ever known,
thank you, Neo, for choosing me,
and the unconditional love you've shown.
Remember the Children
They grow up as Daddy’s big boy and as Mommy’s little angel,
Innocence all so angelic, every single little girl.
Though it seems that every angel has a place in the sky,
Many harsh realities leave people tearing at the eye.
All throughout the world these little girls are often at risk,
The inevitable chance in which they’ll end in the abyss.
Millions falling victim every year, the worst of any crime
While to save a kidnapped child is a race against time.
Some are kidnapped for their labor, others worse to fit the bill.
Either way, this trafficking is always done against their will.
Luckily, attempts are being made to slow this evil down.
Governments and organizations arriving town-by-town.
If we strengthen laws and policies, they’ll impact life for sure.
More protection and prevention for the children we adore.
Child labor laws will parallel our law enforcement drive.
Every ounce of effort will improve our future as we thrive.
Education and healthcare that they need will help as well,
Safety in communities to aid where our children dwell.
If we work as one, in time we’ll see a better, safer place.
Where we’ll smile back to little smiles planted on their face.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Innocence all so angelic, every single little girl.
Though it seems that every angel has a place in the sky,
Many harsh realities leave people tearing at the eye.
All throughout the world these little girls are often at risk,
The inevitable chance in which they’ll end in the abyss.
Millions falling victim every year, the worst of any crime
While to save a kidnapped child is a race against time.
Some are kidnapped for their labor, others worse to fit the bill.
Either way, this trafficking is always done against their will.
Luckily, attempts are being made to slow this evil down.
Governments and organizations arriving town-by-town.
If we strengthen laws and policies, they’ll impact life for sure.
More protection and prevention for the children we adore.
Child labor laws will parallel our law enforcement drive.
Every ounce of effort will improve our future as we thrive.
Education and healthcare that they need will help as well,
Safety in communities to aid where our children dwell.
If we work as one, in time we’ll see a better, safer place.
Where we’ll smile back to little smiles planted on their face.
We are God’s creatures, not slaves
Life's too cold for us, we desire shelter, not dark caves
Please stop beating us
Come, shield us with warm coats
We are women, not slaves
We desire good life, show us the way to pave
We are hungry for good food
Not beatings from canes shed from fallen woods
We are sentient beings, not slaves
Compassion is all we crave
Please break these chains tied from our hands right across our waists.
This pain is too much, give us the chance to live again, so we may not waste.
We are people, not slaves
We are not cowards, we are brave
We are not afraid to let out our discerning voices
Give us a chance to live, ‘cos we have choices
We are men, not slaves
Give us hopes, not weapons to enslave
Show us how to love and protect ourselves,
Not how to hate and kill ourselves.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Some victims search for an excuse
But honestly, there is no use
We must seek ways we can induce
An end to violence and abuse
It’s often overlooked a lot
Victim’s not sharing what they've got
Denial is a common plot
When help may be their only shot
If you’re able to understand
That there is a problem at hand
Acknowledgment’s the first of plans
In standing up against demands
It happens with the ones you love
Trying to place themselves above;
They cannot push around and shove
Where hope is all you can think of
Abuse is often found in words
Emotionally left deterred
Physically too, more pain is stirred
Either way, neither is preferred
They’ll do it with a common goal
To feel like they are in control
Whether a part or as a whole
The victim’s body takes a toll
It’s often paralyzed with fear
Whenever the abuser’s near
If they put guilt inside your ear
Consequences can be severe
Once you’re aware that you’re in need
You can be helped from this, indeed
No longer with your life concede
Instead, you’ll feel as you were freed.
© Shenita Etwaroo
Shine A Light On Slavery
We share the Earth with beautiful creatures
People and animals of all kinds, in all areas of the world.
We differ in appearance…but share a common problem:
We are slaves to abuse and cruelty.
Though many souls are kind and pure
Evil shadows them.
We often say we care enough
But efforts cease to follow.
Domestically, all fit the bill
Held against their will, at any costs
People and animals treated as property, with no choice...
Cruelty and Abuse.
The acts of slavery.
We must shine a light on slavery.
No human should be treated as less than equal
No animal should be physically harmed
No creature should be starved or forced to struggle
All should be free.
Many who harm one another have harmed animals
Noticing one can help prevent the other
If you stand up, you can be a hero
No one else needs to suffer.
Evaluate the situation that stands before you
The more you learn, the more you can help
Let others know,so you can save another.
Less slavery in our world.
© Shenita Etwaroo
To Thine Own Self Be True
We live one life.
That’s all we get.
One chance to decide how we are going to live it.
Does anyone let you determine their life?
Does anyone let you make their decisions?
Should anyone be allowed to choose yours?
You may not agree with how others live.
You may not agree with how others feel.
But it’s their choice. Their decision.Their Life.
You DO get to control one person, though.
What you believe in is your choice.
Your values are exactly what they should be.
If you think it is right, it is right.
If you think it is wrong, it is wrong.
The mind has infinite power.
And you control it all.
If you compromise, you will lose power.
If you stand up for yourself, you will grow.
You will build self-confidence.
You will develop self-respect.
You will build integrity.
Your independent self will prosper.
No false witness.
No confusion.
No illusion.
Only truth.
© Shenita Etwaroo
It’s been happening forever, and it still exists today
There are no signs of demise
Only too much suffering.
Bullying affects those who are bullied, but they’re not alone
Those who bully are victims
Even witnesses are victims.
The effects of bullying are damaging to all
Mental health, substance abuse, and even suicide
There is no limit to its impact.
Knowing what is considered bullying is very important
Threats, spreading rumors, physical and verbal aggression
They’re all examples of bullying.
Knowing why people bully is also important
Whether it be social or family issues, power, or cultural
It must be confronted.
We don’t have to run from witnessing bullying.
It’s important to talk to others about it
You can save someone’s life.
We must stand up to bullying.
Tell someone, stand strong, and do not show any weakness.
You can make it. You can do it.
© Shenita Etwaroo
But honestly, there is no use
We must seek ways we can induce
An end to violence and abuse
It’s often overlooked a lot
Victim’s not sharing what they've got
Denial is a common plot
When help may be their only shot
If you’re able to understand
That there is a problem at hand
Acknowledgment’s the first of plans
In standing up against demands
It happens with the ones you love
Trying to place themselves above;
They cannot push around and shove
Where hope is all you can think of
Abuse is often found in words
Emotionally left deterred
Physically too, more pain is stirred
Either way, neither is preferred
They’ll do it with a common goal
To feel like they are in control
Whether a part or as a whole
The victim’s body takes a toll
It’s often paralyzed with fear
Whenever the abuser’s near
If they put guilt inside your ear
Consequences can be severe
Once you’re aware that you’re in need
You can be helped from this, indeed
No longer with your life concede
Instead, you’ll feel as you were freed.
Does anyone let you make their decisions?
There are no signs of demise
Only too much suffering.
Bullying affects those who are bullied, but they’re not alone
Those who bully are victims
Even witnesses are victims.
The effects of bullying are damaging to all
Mental health, substance abuse, and even suicide
There is no limit to its impact.
Knowing what is considered bullying is very important
Threats, spreading rumors, physical and verbal aggression
They’re all examples of bullying.
Knowing why people bully is also important
Whether it be social or family issues, power, or cultural
It must be confronted.
We don’t have to run from witnessing bullying.
It’s important to talk to others about it
You can save someone’s life.
We must stand up to bullying.
Tell someone, stand strong, and do not show any weakness.
You can make it. You can do it.